Sunday, September 30, 2018

Long Gone...?

And now I'm here...

Just done placing an update over on the other blog, and there's an explanation as to what I was doing during September. Lemme just place it here....

"And now, the explanations...

So what took me +3 weeks to get just one video out? Well, turns out I ran into some "technical difficulties" when I finally had some free time to do the video edits/processing; the damn software ran into some errors that took me quite a handful of work to get it fixed.

See, I'm no longer using Windows Movie Maker for my edits... it's great, and provided me with the basics that I needed. But it also has a major drawback: constant crashing/lags and a significant drop in video quality once processed, no matter how much you adjust.

Been using another software, it's been a pleasure to use thus far.

It does hang/crash occasionally, but it at least it's not like... for every 30 minutes or so. Plus, I can do plenty of other stuff that I can't do over at WMM... it's just a massive upgrade for me.

Anyways, the problem that I ran into prevents me from even launching the software... so figuring out the problem is much more tougher there. Too many days spent doing nothing but searching for solutions online, making sure they're legit and not outdated.

could just use WMM back again for video processing, but I'd rather not suffer through the pain I had from previous uses just for that.

Found the solution at last, but it requires adjusting some other software that the video editing software uses. No problem there...

...except that it broke plenty of other things instead. *sigh*

Well then, now we got a multitude of other software problems to handle. Plenty of re-installs and restarts later, everything seems to be working as intended. But that's not the end of it...

Nvidia decided to fuck up for some reason, preventing me from using it's 'record current game/program' feature. Then we got the computer's fan 'software problem' to fix as well...

These past two weeks has been a pain. I felt like a damn tech support, except I have questions, but I had to find the solutions myself and also fix them. At least everything's back to normal again... I hope.

Aaannd by then, it's already the 29th of September. Took about 3-4 hours to get this video processed, and was already late in the night [or early in the morning?] at 4 AM. Time to hold off the post till tomorrow, then..."

Now, I had nothing to post about for this blog during August; was pretty much just me playing the AMX M4 51 to get the Tier X tank. Finally got em', but I still have some ways to go to unlock the bigger gun.

The only free time I had during September was from the 14th to the 30th, and we all know how that went...

Was supposed to spend that time making a bunch of DF2 videos. There's still nothing much over at World Of Tanks, just still grinding as per usual. There was that 'British Challenge' that went on, but that's not too significant to post about; just pretty much play as per normal and you get to complete each stage as you go along.

Now the busy period's back, not to mention the upcoming exams. We'll see how this goes... hopefully I have some stuff to post once in a while.

Well, that's all there is to it. Unlocking that second gun for the Tier X will take some time, so only time will tell... so don't hold your breath for the next post to come around...

-Panzer Fist-

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