Friday, December 29, 2017

Another Update

And I'm done with the "grind"...

Heh, technically I didn't even do a grind as I skipped the AMX 65t after 40 battles...

If there's one thing I hate, it's awfully slow tanks with barely any armor.

And so I'm past the AMX 65t and have now owned the AMX M4 51... had a few games in it, and it's good. I have several replays saved from both the Tier VIII and IX French Heavy Tanks, so I'll get around to uploading them once I'm done with my old materials that are still waiting.

Since it's about 3 AM here, I'll call it a day and post something another time instead. Just the usual to expect.

And with that, my time's up. Stay tuned for the next post...

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien