Monday, November 7, 2016

Sudden Delays... again.

*sigh* It's getting real annoying now...

So yeah... in the end, the videos that I was supposed to post about at November 1st never did happen. What's the problem, you ask? Well, I'm gonna rant about it now.

TL;DR section at the end for those who can't be bothered.

With that outta the way, let's get right into the rants...

The moment I've reached the usual workplace on Tuesday 1st November, we got ourselves some last-minute HUGE workload. Lasts from Tuesday 1st November to Sunday 6th November. Received one day-off for our efforts, and it's been placed for Monday 7th November.

Yes... just in case you didn't know, sometimes we have to work at the weekends, too.

So all throughout the days I was doing the usual works, but I didn't set foot at home at all (not even the weekends) 'cause we sometimes have to continue working up to 11 PM. On the Sunday itself the work ended at 11:42 PM. By that time, the public transports will be gone already. So I've slept over there instead.

Then next morning, they asked everyone to clear the place... as in leave the workplace ASAP...

... at 5:30 AM. In the morning.

So everyone that slept over at the place has to hurry up and leave as everyone's on off... so they wanna lock up the place as fast as they can.

It's a good thing the public transports are around at that time, so not much trouble. Got home, took a bath and went straight to sleep again. lol

Guess all that work really did a number on me. But what to expect when you are in a team of three peeps, but the other two are absent for about 4 days? Practically have to do it all myself.

Anyways, woke up from my slumber and it's 4 PM.

Opened up the com to check on some stuff. One of the first things I did was applying for leave for the next 4 days, so yeah... I have the whole week to do all the posts I need for World Of Tanks. Then I've noticed that the World Of Tanks updated again. But at least I've recorded the '100 Years of Tanks' gameplay already. The rest on the other hand...

But I still went to check those old replays to see if they work. Surprisingly, they still work! No problems at all, which makes it even better. Then I got on to record them, only got to a few but it's mostly the 110 video parts are done. There's still more than just that tank, though.

Then not before long it was dark outside. Took so much time recording videos that I didn't even realize it's 10 PM already. Wanted to continue some more but for some strange reason, my body can't handle it anymore. Got real tired all of a sudden so I just went to sleep.

Then I woke up at 11:38 AM in the morning. The first thing that came to mind is...

"Shit! I forgot to upload the '100 Years' event video yesterday!" -Not exact thoughts during that time

And so now we are here now. This is just to tell you the whole that happened during those few days. I will keep the '100 Years of Tanks' event video on a separate post so that it won't clutter up everything, and it's also much easier for people to find it without the giant wall of rants this post has created.

It's also easier for the people that don't give a damn about what happened in those few days about me to find the post, whichever way works.

Okay, I think that's enough for this post... anymore and it might be a page from a novel or something.

TL;DR section below.

I'll be posting the '100 Year Tanks' videos soon on the blog, possibly about 5 hours later. I got some stuff I need to sort out soon.

With that done, I'm off. "Be right back"....

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien