Sunday, January 25, 2015

New Video

Hello once again!

The video is successfully uploaded to YouTube. The second video features the Chinese Heavy Tank: The 113.

One of the few Tier X Heavy Tanks I'm aiming for, the 113 is more of a 'heavy medium' rather than a traditional heavy tank. This means it can't really lead a battle. It's more of a support heavy, so that should be taken into account when playing one.

Another reason why I like this tank is because it's design is more like a 'main battle tank' or 'medium tanks'.

The gun shoots fast, but not so it's aiming time. It's armor is poor except the turret and the upper glacis of the front. Angled at 45 degrees [maybe even more] and with a well-rounded turret, it's wise to hide the lower glacis of the front.

Other problems are almost non-existent gun depression and easily damaged modules and crew.

Sidescraping is okay, as long as the angle is not more than 10 degrees as the sides are weak.

Other weakspots are the cupolas on the turrets... or as I call them, "cookies"...

The alpha damage of the gun is 50 points lower than the last gun on the WZ-111 1-4. So if you like dealing loads of damage, use that tank instead. [reload time is significantly longer]

The equipments I've used are the Gun Rammer, the Ventilation [or 'fans'] and the Vertical Stabilizers.

All crew members have the Repair skill at 27%-26%.

I guess that's all then. Stay tuned for the next video!

-Panzer Fist-

Quick Update

Hello people,

Quick update: a new WOT CT video will be out. Just need time to upload it to YouTube.

That's all. Will post it as soon as it's done!

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien