Monday, December 26, 2016

Dark Days

Got back from work, then this shit has to happen...

Hello, everyone. Sorry about the lack of posts during the weekends, and the only thing I can say was that my computer busted itself the moment I got back last Friday. Been trying to fix every single problem as best I can... kinda works okay now, but there's still some problems that even I can't fix.

The problem that I can't fix is the damn Ethernet port not working right. Did some research and turns out the Ethernet Controller Card suffered some physical damage... guess it's old age or heat problems. So now I'm stuck to using goddamned WiFi again... sigh

Already have bought a little something to help with that, and it's an Ethernet Adapter plugged in through the USB Port. Seems neat as I don't have to place my ol' computer under repairs for such small matters.

Plus, they'll charge you a hell lot more than just buying an alternative.

Anyways, placed an order and now just have to wait for it to arrive... about two weeks later. The problem isn't that serious so no rush needed.

Aaannd that's what happened during Saturday and Sunday. This computer's still going strong even after random falling objects from other siblings hit it...

Hang on... it's Monday here! How are you still at home and not at work?!

Well, calm down... Christmas was on Sunday, and so the next day is immediately a Public Holiday. Oh, and I've received some day-offs covering this Tuesday and Friday... so there's that.

Now that's outta the way, it's time to talk about the upcoming World Of Tanks video. Already made up my mind on which of the next bunch I should pick, and it's gonna be quite large... but not by much, just only six videos so it's only one more extra than the 110 bunch.

This... is gonna take some time. What tank is it? Well, the only clue I can give ya is this: it's a fairly new tank, and it performs the exact opposite as how the rest of the Heavy Tanks in it's nation.

Hell, that's two hints... but whatever. I have videos to record and upload now, so I'll post again once they are done... in the meantime, stay tuned.

Heads up: the next post might not even be up today...

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien