Thursday, March 12, 2015

Minor Improvements

It's been a long time, folks.

It's nearly two weeks since the last post here. Reasons are as usual: Gaming.

Been playing a lot of ZMR lately to reach level 26... Sorta like the "Lieutenant" in the game's rank list. Already reached it recently and it's a great milestone reached...

After that, it's off to World Of Tanks for more of those Tier VIII, or Eight. Finally got a Tier X [or Ten] in my garage... and next to aim for would be the Chinese 113.

Alright, back to the main subject: the small change in the blog is that the YouTube linked videos are now adjusted to be larger, almost as large as the ones on YouTube... well, the old YouTube anyways. Can't make 'em too big or else it will pop out of the post column. Had trouble fiddling with them at start, but it's been figured out. Turns out certain old posts that have videos in them used a different code compared to the newer ones, but was an easy fix.

Now, you don't have to fullscreen every video or click the title links to watch it at it's website instead... if you don't like them, that is.

And to sneak in a little extra, the next World Of Tanks Common Test video will be up on the 14th March. Fixed date, no changes.

Now, let's hope that goes how I intend it to go. See ya next time...

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien