Saturday, November 9, 2019

Small Update

One month goes by without a peep...

Hmm... I really need to get things in order around here... been quite busy for some time, and ultimately forgot about the modded Fallout 3 video edits.

Well... its a good thing I remembered about this, otherwise it might end up with another month or 2 of inactivity. Haven't really checked up much about games, recorded videos or updates from the usual World of Tanks, Armored Warfare and things like that... bet nothing much has happened, aside from the usual Premium Tank shill.

Anyways, I'm looking to finish up the modded Fallout 3 videos by tomorrow... if I can. After that then I'll be seeing what else I could record... or try to record. Looking to try recording much smaller games, as I have several in mind...

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien