Thursday, October 26, 2017

Finally Back

Hell, it's about time I'm back here...

The latest update to World Of Tanks [v9.20.1] is now live... that means the FV215b is out and the Super Conqueror takes it's place for the Tier X British Heavy Tank... and I haven't even come close to getting it.

So yeah... sadly I won't be getting the FV215b as I was still stuck at the lower tiers. But then again, I'm glad I don't have to go through those horrible Churchill and Black Prince tanks...

And I'm not sad that I won't be getting the FV215b, as I can still get the Super Conqueror anytime I want. Plus, there's a mini tank line that's coming near the end of the year that I have more interest in right now. I'll talk more about it in another post, though.

Now that there's no more painful tank grinds to do, I'll finally have time for the scheduled videos that I needed to upload and do posts on for quite a long time. There's about 2 vehicles to cover, each having 3 videos... so obviously there's 6 to do.

I still haven't update World Of Tanks yet to 9.20.1 because there's still some replays that I need to record videos of... about 4 of them.

And I'll have double-time on all these as Halloween is rolling in closer by the minute. Don't wanna miss all the events!

So I guess that's all for now. Just an update to acknowledge that I'm back, and will have plenty to post about soon; a new mini tank branch, some new tank replay videos and if possible, recordings of the upcoming Halloween event. Tight schedule, but let's see if it works out...

Until then, stay tuned for more posts soon enough. It'll be tank replays as I need to clear some space for more recordings...

-Panzer Fist- 
The Alien