Saturday, December 17, 2016

Steel Giant

Alright, that's three videos uploaded already...

I'm back! And all that only took me an hour... and all that's left is to write this post.

Now, what tank am I showcasing today? It's the Tier 10 German Heavy Tank with the most misleading name ever, the Maus.

Good ol' Maus. Metal Saga lets them have THREE cannons at once...

One the oldest Tier X [or Ten] vehicles in the game... so far only vehicle with the most mass and health, too. Had this tank for quite some time now and the battles I've had in it were... mixed.

'Cause of the nature of the server I'm in, almost everyone loads Premium Ammunition at nearly any tank... only exception is when shooting Artillery. Seems nice. Because of this, the Maus can be pretty easy to kill. That and the fact that if it were to be on an open map...

...ugh, nightmare.

But I get by. It's still a relatively good tank. The selling point of this tank is only one thing [and one thing only]: it's armor. This tank pretty much tests you on how informed [and skilled] you are at Angling. Make a mistake and pay it greatly.

Real slow, damaged engine doesn't even affect it that much... that and also the fact that it's armor can be very trollish to others if angled right. That's what the first replay I'm showing has to say about that...

What else does this tank has? Well, it's health [3000 HP] let's you take hits more than others... the armor absorbs a lot of splash damage from High Explosive ammo. Then, you have the weight of this tank.

It can go up to 190 tons if the Superheavy Spall Liner was installed. In fact, it's so heavy, you can just push lighter tanks right up to the wall to trap them or even flip them over like pancakes... which the next replay conveniently has: tank flipping.

This beast of a tank may look intimidating, but it's size and speed are it's biggest downfalls. Plus the turret front, the 'curved' part? It's actually a weakspot which is targeted quite a lot when the small lower front plate isn't available to shoot.

Big profile let's it get detected easier and also easy shots for artillery. The speed makes it easy to run away and hide from the tank... and also to flank it from more than one position. All the disadvantages leads the Maus to be a fairly easy tank to handle when it's left alone...

...the next replay shows just that, a last stand against a group of enemy tanks. Still, that Tier 9 cooking, though.

But even with all that negatives, it's still a tank that can do well. Just don't expect it to be a juggernaut like how it was in the older versions of the game... which I definitely have not been around long enough in World Of Tanks.

A little short history on this tank: It was a proposed tank during WWII, and is the heaviest to date. The tank itself went through tons of developments and names, from a realistic 'Mammut' [Mammoth], then to the 'Mauschen' [Little Mouse] then finally the 'Maus' [Mouse].

Huh. Seems like the Germans have a sense of humor. I mean, a giant steel monster 'Maus' and a small tracked bomb called 'Goliath'...

There were 2 Maus tanks that were undergoing testing after the factories making them were bombed by the Allies, and one of the prototypes were blown up when the Germans were under attacked. The other one was captured, but it only had a working hull.

The blown-up Maus had the turret mostly intact, so the Russians took both the hull and turret, fixed them up as best they could for them to fit together seamlessly and showcased it in their museum... which still stands today. Here's a picture of the tank below...

Surviving Maus Superheavy Tank at Kubinka Museum

During the war, they were more projects for the Maus... like for a bigger gun 'cause Hitler claimed that it looks like a 'toy gun' compared to the tank. The turret was supposed to be improved to the E-100 Turret, and the 'improved gun' was intended to be a 15cm gun, same as the one the E-100 has, but looks different.

Here's some pictures of how the second turret looks...

Original V1 Turret on the top, and the V2 Turret below... V2 is on the E-100 in WOT.
Proposed base design with 15cm gun [top turret], Original V1 Turret [2nd], V2 Turret [3rd] and the 15cm gun [last]
Maus II, V2 Turret with 12.8cm gun.
Maus II Blueprint.

Hell, there's even a model of the Maus II out there! Makes me wanna buy one.

Maus II model, V2 Turret with 12.8cm gun... 2 different colors.

There's even a mod out there that had the Maus II...

The Maus II look beast...

Well, I guess everyone now definitely knows that I love this tank waay too much. It's just a special one for me as it's one of the first few tanks that I saw that really showed what a 'tank' it really was... and that was in Metal Saga.

Well, I guess that's all that I want to show for today... took me too much hours to do this post... tomorrow's post will be on another tank on World Of Tanks, but I haven't decided on which one yet to do...

...I guess we'll that out tomorrow, then. Until then, stay tuned.

-Panzer Fist- 

Back From The Dead

Wew... Finally another free weekend all to myself.

Hey guys! It's good to be back. It's been about a month since my last post, and only now I get some free time to do what I want. Time to use this weekend properly before it ends.

I've noticed that World Of Tanks has a new update in store: Update 9.17 and it seems to be quite a big deal. Seems like they are adding a new nation, Sweden, and their tanks' selling point are pretty neat.

...but I haven't even have the time to finish my 9.16 replays! To my relief, the replays still works AS LONG as I don't touch that World Of Tanks Launcher. So now I'm trying to get as many videos done as I can... I still have that giant 110 replay bunch to deal with.

But to be honest, I actually had some free time back in November. I was just too stressed out in the job to do any Blogger posts or YouTube video uploads. Instead, I took the time to vent out in World Of Tanks using a bunch of tanks I like [and do somewhat okay in]. Got most of the replays from the time I've played World Of Tanks in that period. Bunch of them were from my favorite, the Lowe...

...and also 2 new tanks that I've unlocked and the other one bought.

More on those tanks later, as I'm currently recording the replays as I'm typing this down. So far had 3 done, and that doesn't even cover a fraction of the number of saved replays I have left to record.

Gonna be a long day, but it's at least doing the things I like.

Still have some replays from October that I have saved, so I thought I might as well record them as they look interesting... and the other bulk was also from another Chinese tank, which happens to be also my favorite next to the Lowe. Guess which one?

Anyways, this post is to tell you that I'm back, but just only for this Saturday n' Sunday. After that, I won't be around for the whole weekday as they at least have the courtesy to inform me about the 'usual big work periods' that's happening next week last Monday.

With that outta the way, I'm off to do some more recording. Will be posting again soon as these videos are done and also uploaded to YouTube!

-Panzer Fist-

The Alien