Sunday, May 27, 2018

Long Gone, But Back!

Maaan, it's been too long.

Finally back... and yes, I know... it's been over a month since the last post.

Part of it is because of busy IRL stuff: work, school... all that stuff. Exams are coming up soon, so there's that as well.

On the other hand, I've been busy playing World Of Tanks Frontline mode; a massive 30 versus 30 battle on a map 9 times the size of a regular map! It's like Grand Battles plus objective mode, with respawns/on-field repairs and supply and also off-screen assistance like Airstrikes.

Still playing it, as I wanna get at least a Silver Prestige. Just a few more levels to go...

Anyways, enough of that. Today's post will NOT be about the next French Heavy Tank in line, but instead an old video from many months back.

It's the World Of Tanks Encore tests, that little test program they'll let you try out before WOT 1.0 rolls out. It's long due, and I figured I might as well do it before we dive into the next tank post.

This is because the said next tank post has a mix of pre 1.0 and post 1.0 replays.

So without any more delays, here's the Encore test I did.

I can only do 'Medium' settings as 'High/Ultra' is too much for this computer, won't get 60 FPS if I used that.

Overall, it's good. I did adjust mine manually when 1.0 rolled out, though. Needs that 'personal adjustment' to it.

The next post should be arriving soon... once I'm done with them, that is. Though 'soon' may take up to a day or two, lol. But nevertheless, it will be done. I need to clear out these old videos as they're taking up too much space... need to make room for the Frontline replays I'm planning to record.

And now I'm off to do some more editing... stay tuned!

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien