Sunday, February 28, 2016

Upcoming March Posts Update

Last day of February... might as well post this quick update.

Hello guys, this is just a quick update post to tell you what ya gonna expect to see this coming March.

I'm gonna be recording and taking TONS of videos and screenshots of an old game I used to play soo long ago... Metal Saga.

In fact, it was supposed to be one of the first things I was supposed to do when I've started this blog. Didn't get around to doing it 'cause I got caught up in World Of Tanks, Armored Warfare and all that other jazz.

It might be a playthrough video, but I don't use any voice recording software or any webcams. It will just only be me playing the game, no facecam or voice overs if I actually do a playthrough.

Won't spoil anything about the game for now, so yeah... just wait till it's out.

Pictures will be plenty, too. There might be some interesting stuff that goes on that I might need to take a snap at.

On the side note, I did not end up playing Fallout 4. No updates, yet. Still have to wait quite some time for it to arrive, though.

Instead, I played Burnout Paradise. Great fun, finished the game in two days straight. Now I'm just mostly in the game for award hunting and 100% completion... if I can.

Cruising 'round in my cop car... smashin' cars up! BIG FUN.

No screenshots on it, though. It's all at Steam instead. Sorry.

Oh yeah, Armored Warfare received an update recently... not sure whether I should cover it.

I guess that pretty much sums it up, then. Metal Saga stuff, this coming March. Now if you excuse me, I have Burnout Paradise to play and Metal Saga stuff to prepare... So see ya this March!

-Panzer Fist-

The Alien