Monday, October 30, 2017

Upcoming Posts

It's just the usual "quick update" for now, so...

This just to tell y'all that the next post will be up tomorrow... and just finished uploading several videos to YouTube. I still have the recent Halloween event to get footage for and several more replays of different vehicles, about 4 of them.

Oh, and there's several other posts that needed to be made too... and they aren't World Of Tanks related. I think it's about time I've finish them off soon before it gets dragged on for far too long.

And that's all I have for now... Final October post, tomorrow. It's World Of Tanks related and it's featuring a particularly odd vehicle in the game... but I'll talk more about 'em tomorrow instead.

I gotta go sleep 'cause I got some stuff to do tomorrow in the morning...

-Panzer Fist-

The Alien