Thursday, March 19, 2015

Old Stuff

Hello again!

I decided to post an old video I've had in my YouTube account.

What video? Fallout 1, that is. Man, such great times from playing that game...

This video only features the ending in Fallout...well, one of the few other achievable endings that is. This ending however has me fighting 'The Master'.

The first Fallout game I've played was Fallout 3... It was great, but I always wanted to see how the earlier games are like. Glad I did though, 'cause the first one in the bunch was awesome.



When I first started playing this game, it was pretty tough. Only played one game that's similar to this, and that was Diablo 1...and that was a loooong time ago AND only played for like an hour or so.

Then when I saw that this was turn based, I thought it'll be boring as fuck. Thankfully after a few minutes of killing rats in the caves changed my mind.

I still remember my first playthrough: going to Shady Sands and making a wrong move by entering the Raider Base. Obviously I died...then I reloaded my save and moved to Necropolis, not knowing where Junktown is at. [this is due to me skipping tons of conversations]

Overall, pretty disastrous playthrough. The one in the video is my second playthrough, after learning that I screwed up a TON of stuff on the first one.

Thank goodness for Wikis...

I still keep the Character Sheet for the second character after loads of mixing and matching the stats for it to suit my needs...I'll post a link below if you wanna take a look at it.

Fallout 1 Character Sheet Info

Ignore the extra lines in the text file...they'll be only one if you stretch your text window wide enough...even smaller and you'll get two line columns...

I guess that's it, then. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some games to play...

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien