Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Long Gone

Finally, got a day to myself for this.

Well, what's the reason for being inactive for almost a month now? Easy... the answer's work.

Things seem to be pretty serious here at the old workplace... now I have to stay over for weeks just because the schedule's all fucked up.

So yeah, sorry for the lack of posts so far... but this has really got me on edge. I even decided to use one day of leave and call in sick the next day just to get some space. Many people there run away when their names come up for shifts, so sometimes I'll have to bite the bullet.

It's the last day of my "break", and only 6:30 in the morning I'm doing a post.

Just a few more days and all of this will be done... then I can resume back to my usual business at the blog. Still have all those Metal Saga content to complete, and also the 'Metal Saga Adventures' posts too.

So that the whole deal with the past few weeks so far. Somehow on my last post, I felt like this was gonna happen... already been through it more than SIX times at my workplace now...

Now I'm just gonna go off to bed... I can see the sun rising up already here, so I'm out. I'll report back once I'm through the whole work ordeal, as it's gonna finish soon... hopefully, there's no 'sudden extra work' shit...

-Panzer Fist- 
The Alien