Saturday, November 18, 2017

Update For November 16th's Post

Hmm... not sure if it's luck, or something else...

Well... after just one day after my latest post, WG decided to make the Common Test Server live.

Not sure why, but I felt kinda pissed for some reason. But at least I can get some material, info and statistics on the upcoming French Heavy Tanks.

There won't be another long post dedicated to them, though... I'll only be getting around to recording the replays and some screenshots for these vehicles instead and adding them together.

I can't even play the damn game properly with the 250+ ping, so I can't get an accurate 'feel' for the vehicles...

Maaaan, I forgot how cancerous the CT Server was... but at least I got what I wanted out of it.

I wanted to place some pictures here, but I'd rather hold on until I get everything else done instead.

There's still plenty of stuff to do, so I'll get around to posting about them once it's done... so stay tuned.

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien