Friday, November 30, 2018

2 Months Gone... Again...

Well, now it's on to this blog...

Argh... been gone for 2 months, and not even a peep. Well, no excuses this time, though... as I haven't really been playing World Of Tanks since September.

Felt burned-out, especially since playing the Tier IX and X French Heavy Tanks... not to mention the Caenarvon Action X marathon. Seems like I get tired/bored of playing the game after a few rounds, even when I had good matches.

Motivation is at all-time low... dammit. Maybe I need to try something else for a change? Perhaps that'll make things better; keep my mind off WoT and have something else to do instead.

Question is, what should I post here?

Metal Saga is still on-hold, as that requires a ton of time set aside to be able to work out... so that's a 'No' on that part. Armored Warfare might be nice... it's been too long since my last post on anything AW related.

I'll figure something out. Just need to get these busy periods outta the way, then I'll have some time to myself... hopefully. So it looks like we'll just have to keep our heads down till the next post... so until then, just chill... for now.

-Panzer Fist-

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