Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Second 'Armored Warfare' Post

It's done, and I'm back...

As the title says, this is the second Armored Warfare post in this blog. Kinda funny, actually... after all this time, there's only been one made so far... back in 2016.

One of the reasons for the lack of Armored Warfare posts was that I only play PVE modes in that game. The ping in the game was enormous; 100+ milliseconds, so that was enough to made me NOT want to try PVP or Global Operations.

So playing PVE only will result in endless loops of the same scenarios, as there's not a lot of content there. I mean, there's the Special Operations... but even those will have about 2-4 'campaigns' or parts, and will usually last for about some months before the next Special Operation batch arrives. All of this happened last year, though.

The normal PVE 'contracts'... well, there's quite a number of them... now, that is. Back then there wasn't much that was offered, about 5-6 contracts, and they don't rotate, meaning that you'll be stuck playing that same contract until the next day.

Anyways, enough of that... it's time for the test recordings that I did recently. The first one's gonna be the result of using the in-built battle viewer that's in the game.

That shot that was fired a few seconds when the battle started... that wasn't a 'real shot', as I clicked the mouse button at that point of the recording, which for some reason results in the cannon firing.

I might not be explaining this properly... but in simpler terms, that was a 'ghost shot', didn't happen while I was playing, but happened here in the replay as I clicked the mouse button.

There's quite a lot of missing features when using the battle viewer. Some of them might be really obvious, if you've seen plenty of World of Tanks replays before.

The cursor broke at one point, which was really bad... had to switch to another player to fix that. It also only tracks the player's movement when you go into 'sniper mode', where you're zoomed in to make more precise shots.

I guess the only use for this battle viewer is to see other player's perspective, and to also get scenic shots or moments... I guess. They just seemed to buggy for me... as in one of my earlier recordings, the vehicles sometimes would just stay at the spawn point, even though they clearly moving during actual gameplay.

There's more bugs than that though, I bet...

Anyways, on to the next video [which was recorded first]; record n' play. I play the game while it was recording...

And here you can see the immediate differences. Plenty, I can tell ya...

The obvious one would be the loadout at the mid-bottom of the screen; what ammo I was using at the time, the capacity, the consumables brought... y'know, essential stuff you need to see in games like these.

Then there's the dialogue in the game; you can see all of it. Everything from the tank crews, the tank commander currently in used and also the contractor's instructions / information.

Plus... the cursor doesn't 'break' at all, as this is live gameplay. Recording this while playing doesn't impact the game that much, about 5 FPS loss... from what I've seen.

So overall, record n' play wins. No surprises there...

There's a problem that both of them share, though... that is the mission info screen [or 'loading screen'] can take a long time to load when the game is being recorded. It contains some info too that must not be left out... like debriefing info and backstory, for example.

Not included here as this is just a test... end battle results were also excluded.

Downsides to using the record n' play method? Gotta record it juuust before the game starts, which means while the game is still at the loading screen. Then there's the 20-30 waiting time. This also means that I'll have a ton of replays piled up, eating away precious disk space...

Ah well, it's what I've chosen to do anyways.

Not sure how or what to put out next for Armored Warfare... I guess I can make videos about the Special Operations, but we're currently at the third batch. Well, we'll see what happens...

-Panzer Fist-

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