Thursday, January 31, 2019

Multiple Tries, Same Results


This is seriously getting annoying...

Well, I'm supposed to have something posted through the past couple of weeks, but that didn't happen now, did it?

Having a hard time getting a smooth enough recording of Armored Warfare, and I'm still unsure whether it's the computer or the game that's giving problems. I hope it's not both.

Just as stated from previous posts, the problems were video skips and minor freezes. Game ran fine even while playing (alongside recording) and it's at least better than using the in-built battle replay system that the game has.

I'm gonna leave the bitching for another time [or just not gonna bother with it] as I'm gonna see what I can do. Had some free time now, so now's the best time to use 'em... hopefully, it won't be long till I have something done.

-Panzer Fist-

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