Thursday, August 31, 2017

Back, Before August Ends...

It's the final day, so I might as well put up something...

Still busy with the bloody World Of Tanks grind, but I think I'm running out of time for it... the next patch's about to drop and here I am, still stuck at the Tier VII French TD...

But that's not the reason I'm here today. I'm here as a means of 'update' to say that I didn't die or anything like that. Nah... just some mind-numbingly painful grinds to go through.

I swear, I could go crazy with this infernal grind I'm going through...

It seems like the rumors were true though; there's going to be another Tier X tank that will be going through the same treatment as the Foch 155 soon after the next patch drops in... and it's been hinted to be the FV215b Heavy Tank.

It's kinda like a 113 with a rear-mounted turret...

Don't know what tank is going to replace it, though... it could be the Chieftain Mark VI or some other thing they cooked up... like the 'Super Conqueror' perhaps?

I've heard that the Chieftain Mark VI is already in the console versions of World Of Tanks, and the Super Conqueror is similar to the original Conqueror but with extra armor plating around the hull and turret front, like the SuperPershing.

Ahh... another one of those Mediums with 'Heavy Tank' like armor...

Well, I definitely do not know much about all this stuff going down in the future as I was busy grinding to madness for the Foch 155... but I guess I'll just have to get myself updated on what's happening last few weeks...

Sigh... one grind to another, and not even a breather in between. This is gonna get rough for me real quick...

But I guess that's all I have to go on for this month, as it's the final post for August anyways. I have uploaded some Need For Speed: World gameplays over on the ol' YouTube account, and I'll definitely be getting around to posting on that soon... as soon as I finish this bloody grind, that is.

But for how bad the grind is now, it's at least something worthwhile in the end... even if it takes up nearly all of my time every damned day for the grind... so I'll be off now, and hopefully I can reach towards the Foch 155 before the patch hits the streets... see ya next post.

-Panzer Fist-

Monday, August 14, 2017

What Happened?

Weew... already 14th of August, huh. Time sure flies fast...

And so, what happened that caused me to go missing for nearly two weeks? Well, I didn't go anywhere or was too lazy to post anything... nah. The real answer is that I was busy grinding day and night in World Of Tanks. But there's a special reason why, though...

...and if you read the last post, you might know what's going on...

According to some rumors at first which then turned real, it seems that the French Tier X Tank Destroyer: the Foch 155, is gonna get replaced by a similar tank with only a different gun... and it's called the AMX Foch 50 B.

You might be unobtainable in the future, but at least I'll have you around in my garage!

Yep, you read that right. The only difference between the replace-see and the replacement are just the guns. The ol' 155 has that devastating but appalling reload 155mm cannon with 3-round autoloader and nearly a minute's worth of reload. The new gun has 6 shells and is comparable to the gun on the AMX 50 B but with 2 extra shells and a little bit extra reload time... because that's what it's exactly is.

You would think a Tank Destroyer would have a high penetration values for their guns... but not this one! It retains the same penetration values as the gun on the AMX 50 B.

Funny thing is that there's quite a lot of people going around calling the new TD a 'French WTF E-100'...

With that kind of penetration value, don't be surprised if they shoot Premium Ammo at you.

"So why grind towards the line if you sound like you hate the new French TD?" you might ask... well, here's where the good part starts.

Those who have the Foch 155 in their garage before the next big patch hits the streets will get to keep the tank AND get the replacement as well. That means a free Tier X tank for you! The Foch 155 turns into a tank with 'Special' status, which is comparable to the Clan Wars Tier X reward tanks. So even if you don't like the new replacement, you can always sell it for extra cash.

I find it weird that they didn't just add a new gun into the Foch 155's tech tree, but whatever... too bad they didn't do the same thing with the 113, as I already have it and it's also one of those obscure Tier Xs that people rarely play. The WZ-111 5A seems to be a upgraded WZ-111 1-4 and that might please those who got let downed by a "disappointing" Tier X.

There's also talk that another Tier X will undergo the same fate as the Foch 155 as well... as even Wargaming themselves acknowledges that they'll be using this method from now on if they ever want to replace more vehicles in the future. So it then becomes an unofficial "Marathon" event for us to grind to the top of whatever tank tree they want to replace... if the players want the vehicle, that is.

Some tanks that I think will get replaced will be the FV215b, the IS-4 to an extent a rarely played Tier X and maybe the Grille 15 and the Pz. Kpfw. VII... the TD being disappointing to most and the HT being almost untouched by players. I mean, you don't even see anyone using that vehicle anymore! It's even more rare than the 113 and Foch 155 combined!

But man, the grind is real... real pain, that is. Still stuck at the Tier VII Tank Destroyer, the AMX AC 46. That tank has a huge profile coupled with huge cupolas.

This tank might look well-armored, but it still quite thin.

Hey, at least the tank's gun isn't ass. It's great and reminds me of the ARL 44's gun to some extent.

So yeah, that's the whole ordeal with why I was gone for nearly two weeks. I still have quite a bunch to grind through, and the next update is getting closer and closer with each passing day. I just hope I don't have to resort to you know what...

And that's all that I have for now. I won't be posting much 'cause of the grinding I'll be doing, but I'll try to upload something when I feel burnt-out from all the French TD grinding in World Of Tanks. Until then, I'll be off... sleep, not grind in WOT. I'm tired and it's late already...

-Panzer Fist-

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Another Round

Well, this was supposed to be posted yesterday...

Yup... was busy and wasn't around the house the the whole day until 11 PM, and by that time I was too tired and went to sleep. But at least it's up today.

The last post on Need For Speed: World, I've only played the single Sprint using a cop car. Now I'm back with a very delayed video on the first ever pursuit in the game. This video was uploaded to YouTube on July 15th, a solid 2 weeks plus before I got around to post about it.

Well, at least this time it's not only that one video, but another two... so that mean three in total of course.

And so without any more delays, the video(s). Enjoy.

Fleeing from cops while riding in a cop car with a license plate with the words "STOL3N" on them... seems legit.

Funnily enough, I did a better job in my first pursuit than in the second that I did in the Dodge Viper. Although to be fair, that vehicle had one of the worst handling once tuned to the max. Had too much trouble controlling the car that I ran through a bunch of spike traps...

Poor excuses aside, it's still one of the hardest to handle. I remembered in the past where I used the vehicle in another game, Need For Speed: Carbon. When upgraded properly, it becomes a rocket in accelerating. As you can imagine this leads to a bunch of rams and flip-overs when the speeds are through the roof.

In fact, it's actually recorded and uploaded, too. here's the 2nd pursuit in the Dodge Viper.

Pursuits and Team Escapes is where I do better in as I'm more of a Burnout fan than a Need For Speed one, as Burnout 3: Takedown was one of my first racing game with destructible elements in them.

Ahh, what fun I had in that game... to bad the last made Burnout title was nearly ten years ago...

Makes me wanna play Burnout again. Anyways... I've then continued to gather more suitable vehicles to the garage. Most of them were cop cars and Juggernauts for pursuits, but no race-type vehicles.

The first one that I decided to take was my old favorite, the BMW M1 Procar. Looks a little old-school, but it's pretty damn fast. Maxxed out the tuning and slap on some race skills and then took it to the streets for a 'S' class Circuit race, which means every bot racer will use high-end supercars such as the Porsche Carrera GT and Lamborghini Aventador.

With the Headstart skill, the race took an easy turn. But thanks to the car's high values in top speed and acceleration, they can't even catch up... 'cause even if I don't have the Headstart skill or a car with high top speed and acceleration values, I would have easily be overtaken and left in the dust.

And without anymore ramblings, here's the video on the circuit race.

That last part though after the race... lol

There's actually more to cover as these aren't the only game modes that are in Need For Speed: World. But those will be for another time as I have tanks to get rid of 3X to do in World Of Tanks. I hear that the Foch 155 will be removed after a few more weeks and planning to get it as soon as possible.

But wouldn't the tank be out of the game if it's removed? Nope... those who owned it before the removal will get to keep it as an Elite Tier X vehicle, similar to those Clan Wars Reward vehicles. Plus that just means it's gonna be rare.

And I guess that's all for now. If you'll excuse me, I have a french TD to grind through...

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien