Sunday, November 13, 2016

My Own Fault...

Alright, it's almost 1:30 AM here now, so I'll make it fast.

There won't be any posts for the weekends, as it's already Monday here...

Why? Well, the truth is pretty simple: playing games. There's some new things going on in World Of Tanks that took me both days, that and also I've been playing back the good ol' Fallout: New Vegas.

Yeah... became so absorbed in the games that I didn't even took some time off to do the post that I needed to do for the weekends.

Now, the main question: when will the next be on instead?

Honestly, I can't tell... why? Well, it's because of the unpredictability of my workplace tomorrow. There might be that long work period again, or maybe not... that, I won't know.

Most of fault goes to them not putting up a schedule beforehand, and always doing thing last-minute...

Anyways, that's all. Again, don't know when I can put up a post... but just be patient. It will be up, just don't know when.

-Panzer Fist-

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The Alien