Wednesday, November 11, 2015

It's Time...

Maybe a day late, but still pretty much the same...

I'm back for an update to the usual blog. Yesterday, I was supposed to write and post this but got side-tracked with some stuff I gotta do.

What goes on yesterday, you ask? Well, it's Fallout 4's official release date of course! Some faster than others, but eventually we'll get each of our own.

I ordered the game waaay to late, like on the 9th of November late when it's supposed to be right on the Official Release during Bethesda's E3... this goes especially for the Pip Boy Edition. Damn that thing got sold out so fast...

...or more like too fast.

Even if there's new and practically mint conditioned ones out there sold by others, I still wouldn't buy it. Why? Well, most of it has about at least $100 apart from the original cost. USD to my currency = big difference. That and also the reason that I've already bought a standard version of Fallout 4. Since the Fallout Anthology is still on, I went on to get 'em plus the Collector's Edition of the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide.

Well, if you can't get your hands on a rare collectible, there's always the "not so rare" collectibles out there still.

I got the guide because it's a cool piece of collectible to have, with all the info you need on the game, too. Never bought an actual guide book before... so I'm pretty curious to see what lies within it's pages.

Plus I prefer to get physical copies of the Fallout games. Yes, this means the ones in Fallout Anthology too. Reason? Easily the first and most frustrating reason is that my internet connection these days are CRAP. I can technically save cash by buying just the game on Steam, but yeaaah... 30GB + 500KB/S = nearly a day's worth of downloading. Plus, it's not that stable. Certain times it'll drop low... one of the many reasons I don't really play online games nowadays much.

Getting 999ms while playing World Of Tanks or even worse, Armored Warfare showing your exact ping numbers. Highest record? 5041ms.

 I remember a game I had in World Of Tanks a few days back, where I was driving and suddenly a lag attack hit... couldn't stop my tank and all I do is watch it drive straight into the water and turning it into a history relic. The only thing from the tank that was still above water level was the one Dushka Machinegun on one of it's cupolas.

Sad to say that this happened in less than half a minute the game started. Got alot of people pissed for that.

Anyway back to physical copies. Having them is great hands down. No downloads, except for certain items like security and updates. Keep them for later use and all you need to know is to just don't freaking mess the CD up. You wouldn't want to make it corrupted or lose data or even worse, not even working at all. Collecting physical copies might get bulky and space consuming at certain times, but just generally buy the ones you want. And that's the last point: collections.

I don't have alot of space to store physical copies, let alone the damn nuke... but I'll manage through junk clearing. Plus, this is a start of my physical game collections. Sadly no Pipboy Edition, though.

Maybe when I'm loaded, then I'll probably buy one in mint condition...

Even though the title says "It's Time", it's not really for me. I'll get my copy of the game latest next Tuesday. Earliest should be on Friday if I'm lucky enough. Just have to avoid spoilers till then!

Now then, I'm off for some distractions away from Fallout 4... I'll be updating once I got my hands on the sweet, sweet game stuff... whenever it arrives, that is.

-Panzer Fist-

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