Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Enjoying While It Lasts

Hello everyone... It's been a long time.

Long time indeed, about more than 25 days without a single post... and I have a reason for it.

Remember that in my previous post, I've mention that I don't have time to run a clan because "I have some really important stuff coming up in my life that will take up at least 2 years tops"?

Well, that stuff actually starts tomorrow. Let's just say it's a 'must do' over here.

It'll be long and tiring, but you get to go back home every weekend.

Now this doesn't really interfere with me playing games, recording videos or posting on blogs. I've decided that it's time to change certain things in my life. Don't worry, nothing too major. I'll still be doing what I'll normally do, just not so much anymore.

With that in mind. I'll be gone starting from the 28th of May to... whenever it is I'll be back.

And as the title says: I've been spending my days doing the usual stuff, playing games.

Even on this last day, I've even gotten to enjoy a fresh new episode of my favorite anime, and even managed to play Armored Warfare. Today's the Early Access for Europe Servers at 6pm... which is a bad time, 'cause over here, it translates to exactly midnight. This is because I'm gonna need to be at the area tomorrow quite early and well-rested.

But since this is the last day for me, and technically the first AND last day for me to play Armored Warfare... I might as well sacrifice some hours for it.

...and also for the blog posts... and also for my favorite gem of an anime. 

So I guess that's it then. No videos on Armored Warfare though, for obvious reasons. I can give you the first hand experience, though. [sounds wrong] The game is good, but because I'm nowhere near Europe, it's up to 300+ ping. There's also a bug where the aiming is extremely sensitive in Sniper Mode. [or zoomed-in mode] Only played about five battles, but at least it's something... not nothing.

Sorry if this seems rushed, but it has to be... 'cause I really need to sleep now. I'll bid Adieu until then... and see ya'll soon.

-Panzer Fist-

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