Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Enjoying While It Lasts

Hello everyone... It's been a long time.

Long time indeed, about more than 25 days without a single post... and I have a reason for it.

Remember that in my previous post, I've mention that I don't have time to run a clan because "I have some really important stuff coming up in my life that will take up at least 2 years tops"?

Well, that stuff actually starts tomorrow. Let's just say it's a 'must do' over here.

It'll be long and tiring, but you get to go back home every weekend.

Now this doesn't really interfere with me playing games, recording videos or posting on blogs. I've decided that it's time to change certain things in my life. Don't worry, nothing too major. I'll still be doing what I'll normally do, just not so much anymore.

With that in mind. I'll be gone starting from the 28th of May to... whenever it is I'll be back.

And as the title says: I've been spending my days doing the usual stuff, playing games.

Even on this last day, I've even gotten to enjoy a fresh new episode of my favorite anime, and even managed to play Armored Warfare. Today's the Early Access for Europe Servers at 6pm... which is a bad time, 'cause over here, it translates to exactly midnight. This is because I'm gonna need to be at the area tomorrow quite early and well-rested.

But since this is the last day for me, and technically the first AND last day for me to play Armored Warfare... I might as well sacrifice some hours for it.

...and also for the blog posts... and also for my favorite gem of an anime. 

So I guess that's it then. No videos on Armored Warfare though, for obvious reasons. I can give you the first hand experience, though. [sounds wrong] The game is good, but because I'm nowhere near Europe, it's up to 300+ ping. There's also a bug where the aiming is extremely sensitive in Sniper Mode. [or zoomed-in mode] Only played about five battles, but at least it's something... not nothing.

Sorry if this seems rushed, but it has to be... 'cause I really need to sleep now. I'll bid Adieu until then... and see ya'll soon.

-Panzer Fist-

Sunday, May 3, 2015

A Clan Rises...

Yep, and it's for World Of Tanks.

The clan for World Of Tanks was made because it was requested by a friend of mine. I did the honors of starting it up, and got right to the basics.

Y'know, the Clan Name, Clan Tag and all those other stuff.

The name of the created clan is called "Anarchists". It's sounds like an emo/rebel group, but the reason I chose that name is for it to go with the picture I was gonna use for the said clan. I just like the Anarchist symbols... the old "Black Flag" to the "Red Fist" and also the most famous one, the "A + Circle" symbol.

But that doesn't mean that I don't know what anarchism means...

I chose the "A + Circle" symbol. Picked one with a transparent background so that it won't look sloppy... not to mention it looks great on vehicles, too. Here's a picture of the original one below.

Looks good.

That's original size right there. Why am I talking about "original size"? Well, I'll tell y'all about that right now, actually.

Y'see, When creating the clan, you can put up a "Clan Emblem"... actually several. Think of them as "Profile Photos". They differ in different sizes to fit different places, like the biggest for the clan's profile emblem and the smallest for the Global Map emblem.

There's a downside: you gotta pay 500 Gold to put up all five pictures and and optional... option to change your Clan Color. Obviously I took all five picture slots and change to an acceptable clan color... which is Red.

Not to mention starting the clan itself requires 2500 Gold...

The five photos are separated to 195x195, 64x64, 32x32 and 24x24. Only GIF and PNG formats will allow transparent backgrounds... but this is basic photo-editing knowledge. Only thing is that I've post all five of them as the same photo. It's not that it's a bad thing, but normally the biggest picture will usually be the one with more detail.

Maybe some other time [or Clan Leader] then it'll be given the thought to change.

All the picture in-depth info aside, the clan was made... chose the name "Anarchists" and clan tag of [ANCT], color of clan is changed from default Green to Red, added a small Clan Motto and some Clan Description and wazzah! It's done and it's looks great.

Anyways, here's a some of photos of the outcome below.

Clan Emblem, Tag and Name.

Clan Description.

All Clan Emblem sizes and Clan Color.

I guess I had to start up the clan because I normally fixed the bad English he had on another clan in another game? Yeah... I remember the description before I fixed it up... *shudders*

It's ZMR, by the way. Over there, clans are called "Corps". But he started that one and the way he types the descriptions N' stuff makes me cringe.

But all due seriousness, the clan will be transferred to him... soon as it hits the 24-Hour mark. You gotta wait a full day before you can transfer the "Clan Leader" rank to others.

Let's just say he's being impatient about it... asked to give me the clan a 'lil while back.

Don't worry, dude. It's not going anywhere.

I guess he's got the right to be paranoid. After all, he supplied 3000 Gold for the clan creation... but doesn't know that you need to pay for the emblem set-up so he thought the extra 500 that was sent to me was wasted. *sigh*

I just posted the pictures here to show proof if anything turns bad in the clan, like changed descriptions, clan names or such. I like the "Founder" part. Tells people who actually started the whole shebang and the process that takes place... and also the English-fixing. No sloppiness here!

So yeah, read the clan description. We're recruiting anyone! Noob or not, it's still open... until it changes, that is.

Let's just hope this works...

And if you're reading this fellow friend, take care of the clan. Don't screw it up. This clan is all set up for your Clan Wars and Strongholds and stuff.

Reason for why he should be the Clan Leader? Well, there's the whole "I paid for it" thing. And it's also because I'm not that active in World Of Tanks... but at least he is.

Nobody wants to join a clan that has a very inactive leader! Plus, I don't have the time for it. Too much work and I have some really important stuff coming up in my life that will take up at least 2 years tops.

I guess I'll just be the Clan Lieutenant, just maintaining the clan and stuff.

So... that's it, then. Just felt like posting this out here. Done it, and now it's time to take off.

See ya soon...

-Panzer Fist-

Saturday, May 2, 2015

"Mechanical Companion"

And now we're back here again...

Hmm? Wasn't this supposed to posted yesterday? Well yeah, but I lost myself in World Of Tanks for a full day yesterday... busy grinding to get a Tier VII [seven] Tank Destroyer: the SU-100M1.

Alright, back to the topic. This is to the ZMR update that happened a month ago. Only posted about it now because I took a break from that game after reaching the "lieutenant" rank of LVL 26. One day I got bored and decided to take a look into this game, remembering the update that En Masse said they'll put into the game soon.

That was about two [or three] weeks ago. So much went on on the update! New weapons, maps and the main attraction: Drones! Yes, you read that right... it's like a pet, follows you around and helps you kill enemies and more.

First off: the drones! The starter drones are the Gun Drone, Thunder Drone and Lazer Drone. You'll get the Gun Drone first, and as your level increases, you'll the more better ones. Upon reaching level 50, you'll get your hands on the ultimate drone: the Dragondrone.

A new tab will appear below the Mech tab at the Storage page. After selecting it, you'll see the Loadout.

Loadout page.

This is where you select your drones and equip mods to them. Mods are like "abilities" and they are permanent. Not only that, different drones have one "special ability" that they have. The mods can also be upgraded in the Mods section.

Mods page.

Here is where you upgrade the mod chips. Each of them has a different level. To increase the level, you'll need to gather three of the mods and combine them. It goes like this: 3 LVL 1 mods = LVL 2 mods, and 3 LVL 2 mods = LVL 3 mods. This means you'll need a big amount of level one mods if you're gonna get it to level three.

Next is the Upgrades section.

Upgrade page.

Your drone can level up to increase it's stats. You can also upgrade it to add a little extra stats too it. Think of it as "stat boosters". You will need items called "Plasma Cores" to upgrade. You can upgrade them normally or by using EMP. Difference? EMP gives more points per plasma. Each time you use a plasma core, there will be a chance that it will add additional free points... like 3, 5 or 10.

Heh, Plasma Cores reminds me of the same item in a different game: Metal Saga. Exchange them to the right person and you'll get yourself a Plasma Cannon for your tank to use. Good weapon...

Earned a better drone and felt like you've wasted those cores? No need to worry, just go the Salvage area and we'll talk more about this.

Salvage page.

Here's an example: I've previously used the Thunder Drone and now using the Lazer Drone 'cause it's better. But all those plasma cores and level ups? You can transfer them to the other drone. Yes, you can do that. The salvaged drone will be gone, though. You can use Gold for 50% transferred EXP and Ability. EXP is for the level and Ability is the plasma core points. Downside for using Gold is that you only get 50% of everything, and the salvage cost increases if the salvaging drone's LVL and the number of plasma core points is high.

Impatient and just happens to be loaded with tons of spare cash? Go to the Shop section then, you casher!

Shop page.

Only loads of EMP based items here. You can buy MK.II drones and Drone Cases. They are like the Loot Cases, but drone-based items instead. Pretty basic stuff.

"MK" [or Mark] is like "Ranks" or "Tier". Drones differ from MK.I to III. The more numbers, the better. There is one more rank above MK.III, but are called "Epic" drones instead.

Other stuff in the updates are new weapons. Not just new ordinary weapons, but Assault, ZK and even some Thresher weapons are in the shop now! But, not all, only some. Some in Gold stores and some in EMP stores. My main target is the G11K2-ZK. Always a fan of the gun... and now it's in the EMP shop!

Too bad there's no Assault MG3 or M249-ZK for sale...

Just to show some of them...

There's a few more than these...

As the caption above, there's more than just these. Just took the page that was filled with them. Same goes for the next one...

EMP shop. Some might not be worth the EMP.

Not just EMP... but Gold, too. Examples are the two grenades above and the three shotguns in the gold shop. To me, these can be found bundled together in the packs sold in the EMP shops. I can understand people buying the weapons 'cause they might had never purchased EMP. Those packs I said were the "Crowd Control" pack: has the shotguns and grenades and the "Patient Zero" pack: has The Remedy and The Antidote.

Plus, those packs have some costumes... not to mention some Silver, Gold and Platinum Bullets... and Loot Cases with Keycards provided.

And now, weapon mods are officially PERMANENT! Yeah, that's a really good thing. You can also earn them by leveling up!

Some screenies:

Gold mod shop.

This are the ones found in Gold shops. Note that this is not all of them.

EMP mod shop.

And this are the ones found in the EMP shops. Also not everything.

Level up and get one free!

Yup, pretty much what's written in the captions.

One more thing: if you are an existing player and felt like you be getting the level rewards, think again. Once you've logged in, you'll get mail with stuff from the updates! They depend on your level, though.

But if you feel that the info here barely scratched the surface, then here's the links to the official sites for more better info below.

Upcoming Drone Update

"Game of Drones" Update

"Game of Drones" Full Patch Notes

Drone Info

NEW Level Reward List

Level Rewards For Existing Players

Lastly, a preview on how they work in-game... well, only one of them anyway.

Low quality 'cause I'm using the in-game recorder... plus really crappy compiling. This was originally supposed to be uploaded straight toward the blog, but errors...

...motherfuckin' errors...

Well, that's all I got for today, even though it's supposed to be for yesterday. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Tier VII war machine to test-run...

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien