Friday, March 27, 2015


Small update:

I'm gonna resize all of the current videos of this blog to another specification... Felt like the current ones ain't that right to me.

If it doesn't work out, then it'll all be the same one you'll see at my Dead Frontier blog.

That was all to it, so see ya next time...

-Panzer Fist-

Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Little Somethin'

Another quick update!

Yeah, been off for days due to games... But several contents will be placed sometime later in the future, but not really confident on when it will be up.

As in the video description, this was the first "Blind Shot" recorded before the other one. This was simply older that the other and had to revert to the previous versions before it began to even work in the World Of Tanks replay.

I guess that's it, then. Will be back when it's time...

-Panzer Fist-

Friday, March 20, 2015

"Death Star's Alter Ego"

It is time...

Time for what? Time for the next World Of Tanks Common Test video, that's what. This one's features the Tier X [ten] British Tank Destroyer FV4005, the 'alternate' version of the FV215b 183.

It's kinda like the 'alternate' version of the FV215b 183 because of it's similarities and differences. They both have the same gun that can carry the same max ammo. The differences are that the FV4005 is more "mobile" a medium tank while the other plays more like a heavy tank.

For starters, it has better accuracy and gun handling then the FV215b 183.

It also has more speed and it also means better traverse, but in exchange it has reduced armor and a bigger silhouette. This means it's good for camping and needs to be behind teammates if it ever needs to go close-quarters. The FV215b 183 however has more armor so it wouldn't really make sense for it to camp, as it can side scrape.

Less armor also means High Explosive rounds can hurt this monster even more than it's other counterpart, so be cautious.

Best equipments to use are Gun Rammers and Ventilations. If this tank is mostly used for camping, then the Binocular Telescope and Camo Net should be used. Third slot is personal preference...but I'll go with Ventilations for that extra camo value. If used aggressively, then take the first two equipment and add a Gun Laying Drive to increase accuracy...since this tank already has better accuracy then the FV215b 183.

Don't forget about tank camo! It's a must if playing defensively.

Overall great tank, if used properly. Weak armor means it'll probably get targeted first instead of a FV215b 183 if both spotted together.

I guess that's all that was planned for today's post. This is the last World Of Tanks Common Test video in the list, but more will be done in the future.

Until then, adieu...

-Panzer Fist-

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Old Stuff

Hello again!

I decided to post an old video I've had in my YouTube account.

What video? Fallout 1, that is. Man, such great times from playing that game...

This video only features the ending in Fallout...well, one of the few other achievable endings that is. This ending however has me fighting 'The Master'.

The first Fallout game I've played was Fallout 3... It was great, but I always wanted to see how the earlier games are like. Glad I did though, 'cause the first one in the bunch was awesome.



When I first started playing this game, it was pretty tough. Only played one game that's similar to this, and that was Diablo 1...and that was a loooong time ago AND only played for like an hour or so.

Then when I saw that this was turn based, I thought it'll be boring as fuck. Thankfully after a few minutes of killing rats in the caves changed my mind.

I still remember my first playthrough: going to Shady Sands and making a wrong move by entering the Raider Base. Obviously I died...then I reloaded my save and moved to Necropolis, not knowing where Junktown is at. [this is due to me skipping tons of conversations]

Overall, pretty disastrous playthrough. The one in the video is my second playthrough, after learning that I screwed up a TON of stuff on the first one.

Thank goodness for Wikis...

I still keep the Character Sheet for the second character after loads of mixing and matching the stats for it to suit my needs...I'll post a link below if you wanna take a look at it.

Fallout 1 Character Sheet Info

Ignore the extra lines in the text file...they'll be only one if you stretch your text window wide enough...even smaller and you'll get two line columns...

I guess that's it, then. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some games to play...

-Panzer Fist-

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Something Different

Just a quick update here,

Decided to put this up, 'cause I haven't done anything for about four days. Enjoy.

Note: This is from a Common Test Battle Replay.

Next World Of Tanks Common Test video will be up on 20th March...until then, some other form of mixed content will be added.

-Panzer Fist-

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Another Video

It's back!

Time for the long-awaited World Of Tanks Common Test videos. In this video, I'm using the speedy Object 263. So without anymore delays...

Also another Tier X Tank Destroyer I'm aiming for, this thing might be big...but it sure is fast in both agility and reloading. Pretty obvious downsides are that the tank is open-top and is extremely vulnerable to artillery strikes due to this...and that also means it can't mount the 'Improved Ventilation Class 3' module. precious 5%...

Also, classic non-turreted tank destroyer weakness: no turret. [duh] Can get easily flanked if tracked and will not do well if getting wolf-packed by light tanks and medium tanks.

The great things about it is that is has strong amour at the front, kinda like a Maus. Lower plate is sloped well and this means it can withstand head-on long as it's at cities or places like that.

...and if they aren't shooting gold at ya...

And did I mention that this brick tank is VERY fast? Very fast in running around AND spamming rounds.

I guess that's all I can do today now. Really early up here now...about 5:37 AM as of typing this. Goodnight! Or "Day" for some of ya...

-Panzer Fist-

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Minor Improvements

It's been a long time, folks.

It's nearly two weeks since the last post here. Reasons are as usual: Gaming.

Been playing a lot of ZMR lately to reach level 26... Sorta like the "Lieutenant" in the game's rank list. Already reached it recently and it's a great milestone reached...

After that, it's off to World Of Tanks for more of those Tier VIII, or Eight. Finally got a Tier X [or Ten] in my garage... and next to aim for would be the Chinese 113.

Alright, back to the main subject: the small change in the blog is that the YouTube linked videos are now adjusted to be larger, almost as large as the ones on YouTube... well, the old YouTube anyways. Can't make 'em too big or else it will pop out of the post column. Had trouble fiddling with them at start, but it's been figured out. Turns out certain old posts that have videos in them used a different code compared to the newer ones, but was an easy fix.

Now, you don't have to fullscreen every video or click the title links to watch it at it's website instead... if you don't like them, that is.

And to sneak in a little extra, the next World Of Tanks Common Test video will be up on the 14th March. Fixed date, no changes.

Now, let's hope that goes how I intend it to go. See ya next time...

-Panzer Fist-

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Long Gone

I'm back!

Back from what? Back from playing a TON of games, that's what. I have recorded the WoT Common Test videos, but it's only two of them.

There's a game I've been playing that has me glued to it for the past 3-4 weeks, and it's called 'ZMR'... or 'Zombies Monsters Robots'.

What is interesting about this game? Well, it has something that Free 2 Play games or MMOs rarely implement in their games, that is Co-operative gameplay. In Co-op, you can fight Zombies, Monsters or Robots... but with each passing update, there seems to be more than just these three "species".

Here's a list of the game modes in co-op:
  1. Assault
  2. Assault Ops
  3. Extinction Ops
  4. Kill Every Thing 2
  5. Massive Assault
  6. Paranormal Ops
  7. Threshold Defense
Detailed info can be found at the original website... which I'll link right below.

ZMR Co-op mode details

But because I've talked on the Co-op modes, that doesn't mean there isn't any PvP mode. Here's a list of game modes in Competitive PvP:
  1. Deathmatch [Free For All]
  2. Team Deathmatch
  3. Demolition
  4. Elimination
  5. King Of The Hill
  6. Patient Zero [Infection/Virus]
  7. Mercs VS Monsters
  8. Blood Diamonds
  9. Head Hunter
Just like the co-op mode, info can be found at it's website... and link below.

ZMR Competitive mode details

It's a great game, but some bad side effects are that items can expire, like BlackShot... but countered with the ability to win permanent weapons and random items in "shooting galleries". They are kinda like those "scratch and win" cards...

Another side effect is that ZMR is in the US. For people playing outside of it will encounter high ping. I get the lowest of 240.

ZMR is the US based game of "Mercenary Online", made in China and different countries have their own versions... like Mercenary Ops from the Europe region. Some don't even allow outside players to play 'em, Like the Philippines version.

Stingy fucktards...

Technically, ZMR also does not allow outside players to play it, but some countries have been whitelisted. Why do some countries can't play it? Well, they might have way too many traffic, or just the number of scammers that comes from those blacklisted countries.

That's all I've like to post today. The two WoT CT videos will be up sometime later... hopefully not too late.

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien