Saturday, March 14, 2015

Another Video

It's back!

Time for the long-awaited World Of Tanks Common Test videos. In this video, I'm using the speedy Object 263. So without anymore delays...

Also another Tier X Tank Destroyer I'm aiming for, this thing might be big...but it sure is fast in both agility and reloading. Pretty obvious downsides are that the tank is open-top and is extremely vulnerable to artillery strikes due to this...and that also means it can't mount the 'Improved Ventilation Class 3' module. precious 5%...

Also, classic non-turreted tank destroyer weakness: no turret. [duh] Can get easily flanked if tracked and will not do well if getting wolf-packed by light tanks and medium tanks.

The great things about it is that is has strong amour at the front, kinda like a Maus. Lower plate is sloped well and this means it can withstand head-on long as it's at cities or places like that.

...and if they aren't shooting gold at ya...

And did I mention that this brick tank is VERY fast? Very fast in running around AND spamming rounds.

I guess that's all I can do today now. Really early up here now...about 5:37 AM as of typing this. Goodnight! Or "Day" for some of ya...

-Panzer Fist-

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