Friday, March 20, 2015

"Death Star's Alter Ego"

It is time...

Time for what? Time for the next World Of Tanks Common Test video, that's what. This one's features the Tier X [ten] British Tank Destroyer FV4005, the 'alternate' version of the FV215b 183.

It's kinda like the 'alternate' version of the FV215b 183 because of it's similarities and differences. They both have the same gun that can carry the same max ammo. The differences are that the FV4005 is more "mobile" a medium tank while the other plays more like a heavy tank.

For starters, it has better accuracy and gun handling then the FV215b 183.

It also has more speed and it also means better traverse, but in exchange it has reduced armor and a bigger silhouette. This means it's good for camping and needs to be behind teammates if it ever needs to go close-quarters. The FV215b 183 however has more armor so it wouldn't really make sense for it to camp, as it can side scrape.

Less armor also means High Explosive rounds can hurt this monster even more than it's other counterpart, so be cautious.

Best equipments to use are Gun Rammers and Ventilations. If this tank is mostly used for camping, then the Binocular Telescope and Camo Net should be used. Third slot is personal preference...but I'll go with Ventilations for that extra camo value. If used aggressively, then take the first two equipment and add a Gun Laying Drive to increase accuracy...since this tank already has better accuracy then the FV215b 183.

Don't forget about tank camo! It's a must if playing defensively.

Overall great tank, if used properly. Weak armor means it'll probably get targeted first instead of a FV215b 183 if both spotted together.

I guess that's all that was planned for today's post. This is the last World Of Tanks Common Test video in the list, but more will be done in the future.

Until then, adieu...

-Panzer Fist-

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