Friday, January 1, 2021

First 2021 Post & Future Video Posts Update

Aaannd I'm late for this post...

So much for making one more post before the end of 2020, eh? Well, it can't be helped...

The stuff I'm putting up for this post is not related to Acceleration of SUGURI 2 videos, but it's still about video recording and editing anyways. These past few days I've been trying to record videos for Flash games. Yes, you've read that right; FLASH GAMES.

Honestly, I didn't put much research into this and just did some recordings straight away... and ran into some problems that I overlooked. First problem was recording these games from Tuesday to Thursday; how many and how long?

Second was the god-awful quality some of them have. Well, not the game, but the resolution due to my incompetence to resize the sizes/resolution properly. This video test below shows it perfectly...

Yeah... that video stretching was arse. Also that glitch during the main game mode...

This was when I tried to record these games on their own respective websites and cropping the video to the screen size of the games. Some turned out okay, but most were very low-res.

Madness Interactive was the first game that I tried doing some recording with. So far I've touched on games from Crazy Monkey Games and Deceased Productions.

Recently been trying out different methods on trying to get better quality videos and recordings... this means all those videos that I had been recording for this week will have to be redone. I can just use the ones I have now, but I just don't like the way they look now. Something about a low res looking video [that goes up to 1920 x 1080 60 FPS] recorded in 2020 with all this new fancy tools just doesn't sit right with me. Maybe its just perfectionism speaking.

Heck, this is how I also felt when recording Metal Saga back then...

Well... on the bright side, none of these games lagged like hell even during recording sessions unlike when I used to play them years ago... so that's a win.

Still, this is just a taste of what's to come. Right now I still have the old AoS2 video batch to edit and upload... after that, some new ones that I'll have to record as well for the other characters. I wanna get Arcade mode at least done. I also seem to notice that the game received some updates that may or may not change some things in the game.

Well, this was more of an update post more than anything. The next post will most likely be the AoS2 video that was supposed to be made before the end of 2020...

-Panzer Fist-

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