Sunday, December 1, 2019

Belated Fallout 3 Video Test - Mostly Fixed, Slightly Modified (FOSE) Version

Wowee... forgetfulness, procrastination and business all piled up!

So much about posting it ASAP after the last blog update, huh? Got busy with work/projects again, and that let to some procrastination in the form of playing some games bought on Steam not too long ago... and then ended up forgetting on what I was supposed to be doing...

Sometimes I don't even know how this head of mine works...

Anyways, enough about that! It's time to showcase the other version of Fallout 3; one that has been thoroughly fixed, tweaked and modified!

This one has Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) installed, as it was needed by some of the other stuff thrown in to help make the game function much better than it did last time...


Thankfully, I did remember to keep a note on the various fixes/tweaks needed for this game! This'll help prevent the same mistakes from happening again...

unless of course, I happen to lose those notes one day...

Now... FOSE is pretty much needed, even if one plans to just have reskins/retextures in their game. Some of the tweaks and game fixes requires it to function.

An example would be the Fallout 3 3GB Enabler which helps increase the game's disk usage above 2GB, which is handy when running plenty of mods.

The only stuff used that were remotely close to mods were reskin packs and some retextures for some of the weapons. Other than that it's pretty much same ol' Fallout 3, but not running like ass.

Overall gameplay is smooth, with minor crashes... sometimes the odd freeze or two. Although, I experienced an increased number of crashes once I've started playing the Mothership Zeta DLC. Not sure if it's that DLC's problem, or something from my end....

Recording seems pretty much the same as before; some hiccups and hangs, but it only showed up in the videos and not when I was playing the game. Perhaps I should use some other video recording software to see if there's any change. It could also be this computer showing its age.

Editing the videos was much easier than it was before, and there's still those un-synced moments that I have to rearrange... but not as difficult as it was in the previous trial.

Now I have a bunch more Fallout 3 videos from different DLCs... I think I can still make something outta them. Just that it won't be immediate.

I dunno... bad computer? Switch recording software? Run smaller games? Well, I know what I'm doing... so for now I'll leave the remaining Fallout 3 clips on-hold for the moment... gotta try other games first...

-Panzer Fist-

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