Saturday, March 31, 2018


Fortunately not!

Man, it's been 5 weeks... FIVE. WEEKS. A whole month without even a peep? Well, I've been busy... more than usual this time around, though.

But no need to worry, I still know what I have to do. Decided to at least put something here before March ends...

Well, I still have the old World Of Tanks replays... and better still, there are all recorded already. Just need some empty days to myself and it's on with the editing/uploading, then finally the post. Looks like update 1.0 has dropped, and from the looks of it... it seems to be very large. This is gonna take quite some time to install...

But yeah, just dropped by to let y'all know that I'm still around, just been having too much of IRL stuff to handle at the moment. There's a lot of videos I have to edit and upload, but I'll get them done eventually. Until then, it's more waiting...

*sigh* It's always the IRL bull that'll mess up your schedule...

-Panzer Fist-

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