Saturday, January 6, 2018

1st 2018 Update

New Year, new things to do...

Well, I'm way past January 1st... but at least I'll post something before I'm gone again for quite a while.

There hasn't been any posts for the past 6-8 days because I have very important things to take care of... new shizz that's not quite the same old routine of last year or even 2016. So that's why I've been away doing preparations, making purchases and many more to even list down [or even get into detail].

But down't worry, every single post material from the past is still around on my computer... so all's not lost. Just extremely busy, that's all.

And that's all the time I can spare for now, as it's close to 3 AM already. Gotta get some shut-eye and resume the busy shit...

Oh, and a Happy [belated] New Year to all of you folks out there!

-Panzer Fist-

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