Saturday, December 31, 2016


Seems like there's no end to interruptions from this workplace...

Goddamn, so much for the Tuesday and Friday day-offs... and here's a little rant on what's been going down this last few days and the reason for the lack of promised posts for Tuesday: sudden work calls.

sigh... can't even get some day-offs in peace.

The two day-offs that I've gotten [and applied AND approved] for Tuesday and Friday were cancelled, and got an urgent notice to get to work early for Tuesday... after that, I've been there working my ass off... and that also includes today [Saturday] as well.

Must'a been the New Year/Christmas shenanigans... holidays = more peeps to handle...

Well, at least they gave me back the approved day-offs... so not all's lost. Plus, I got another two days, one for the work and another for the weekend stay.

Gonna apply them this coming week, plus some leave I have left and that'll be the whole week gone... and also next-next week's Monday as well.

Still haven't forgotten the videos, though. I will get on them soon.

Now, I'm gonna go to bed... tired and just reached home about an hour ago from work, plus it's already 12:22 AM here. So see ya'll next post instead.

Oh, and a Happy New Year to 2017. Hopefully, things will be better this year than the last...

-Panzer Fist-

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