Monday, October 31, 2016

Sudden Delays

Man, I'm just glad it wasn't three months...

Hello everyone. Looks like it's the 31st of October here... well over a month since my last post, and that ain't a good thing.

Why was I gone for almost two months? Well, as soon as October started we got some serious work to do. Everyone got a schedule of what they needed to be doing and no one got it easy.

Just when I thought these things are over, they come back again to disrupt my life... *sigh*

But it's over... for now. I don't know when another one's gonna happen, but I'm gonna post something at least when I got the chance.

At least this time, I was prepared. The '100 Year Tanks' event have been recorded before the shit hits the fan, and it's been chilling at my computer for quite some time now... just waiting to be uploaded to YouTube.

Not only that, the moment the 'heavy work period' has passed, I've been collecting several World Of Tanks replays. Seems like there's been a lot of changes recently while I was gone. But then, another problem arose...

World Of Tanks has another update...

I haven't gone around recording the gameplay aside the '100 Year Tanks' event, but I will get it done. I can continue record them as long as I don't update my World Of Tanks to the latest version. This means I can't play World Of Tanks until I've gotten every single gameplay recorded. Damn.

Ah well, a 'lil sacrifice to save certain things from being lost.

The next post will be about the '100 Year Tanks' event, and boy am I late to that party. Don't know when I can post it, but hopefully today if I'm fast enough.

So I guess that's it with why I was gone and what to do next. Time to get to work, well... at least I like this kind of work. See you soon!

-Panzer Fist-

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