Sunday, September 18, 2016


Just a quick update here.

A new World Of Tanks video has been recently uploaded to my YouTube channel. It's the final WZ-111 batch of replays that I've recorded quite some months ago.

But, I'll be posting about the WZ-111 Premium Tank some other time. Not today, as I have not much time now... but it'll be posted here soon, so don't worry.

Reason? Well, I had some work I have to do at the very last moment. Usual shit...

I'm not sure when I can get around to posting on the blog, but I'll try to get it up by Monday... which is tomorrow. So yeah, don't have to wait that long, I hope...

Anyways, just wanted to post this quick update to let y'all know. It's pretty late here, around 1:25 AM now... so I better get some rest for work. Stay tuned!

-Panzer Fist-

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