Monday, September 19, 2016

The 112's Younger Brother

Yes... finally I have time to post this now.

What's up, guys... I'm finally back! Supposed to post this yesterday but I've already explained what happened in the last post. So without further delays, it's time to get right into today's post: The WZ-111 Premium Heavy Tank.

Pretty much another 112, with some notable differences...

From the title, this tank is supposed to be a predecessor to the 112 Heavy Tank. It has been in the game for almost as long as the 112, but it's usually a mission reward tank. But nowadays, it's been recently been available to be bought at the Premium Shop straight away. Last time, you'll have to complete or either consider buying the Nation's checkpoint for the WZ-111's mission.

I had this tank for quite some time now. Can't remember when I bought it, though. It's play-style isn't that different from the 112's, but I'll talk more about it soon. I've recorded some gameplay from World Of Tanks... some were good, some were bad, and some are... questionable.

The first one happens in the Serene Coast map. It went pretty smooth, aside from the fact that I kept getting shot by the E75.

In the video above, I tried to use the low height of the WZ-111 to my advantage. The E75 has no problem penetrating my upper frontal armor because of the angle my tank was in. That's one of the disadvantages is the pre-angled pike-nosed armor of this tank compared to the 112's flat front. It negates the armor angling on one side if you try to angle the tank.

Time for the second video... this time in the Fjords map. Had to withdrew from going to the usual Heavy area to help with sudden enemy appearances in the middle area.

In this video above, I tried to utilize my speed to move from location to location quickly... and bounced off a Tier IX, yes... Tier NEIN tank round. That's one of the advantages the WZ-111 has over the 112. It's top speed is higher and it's lower weight than the 112 makes it accelerate just a bit faster, too.

And now, the third video. This time's the map is Karelia. Started off quite slow, but things got better near the end...

Now in the video above, I went slowly as there's not many high-tier tanks in my area. But in the end, managed to score some kills... three of them were drive-by kills... and from the same platoon.

The WZ-111's rate of fire is slightly higher than the 112, but not much. It's reload is 0.30 seconds faster than the 112. Not that big of a deal, but still... faster reload is always a good thing. Derp guns like the usual 122mm gun have "questionable" accuracy. Sometimes when you fully aim and they fly somewhere else, and sometimes you shoot on the move like this and it lands perfectly on the target.


And now, it's time for the last video. The map is Winter Himmelsdorf. One of the few losses that was somewhat... good.

Probably should have waited at the A0 zone behind a building for the enemies instead. Coulda gotten one more kill for Top Gun, maybe.

The WZ-111, just like any Chinese Heavy Tank (besides the IS-2 and 110) must avoid getting shot in the lower front plate as they are usually weak as hell. Not only that, but when penetrated will usually cause all sorts of messes... like engine fires and ammo racks. Getting shot from the back and sides are also a surefire way to get lit up like a firecracker.

Would you choose the 112...
Or the WZ-111?

Now, what do I think about this tank? It's sorta like an upgrade to the 112, but also kind of a downgrade, too. It has a faster shooting gun, fast acceleration and high top speed but suffers from the pike-nose hull front design, so it can't side-scrape that much... or even at all. It also has slightly higher health than the 112, but it's only a measly 50 HP.

I pretty much prefer the 112 over the WZ-111 as the armor is more reliable. Flat front and extremely well-sloped upper front plate which is carried over to the 113, so it means they can side-scrape and do certain things the WZ-111 and the "Model 1-4" variant of it can't do. Still a pretty good tank if you can live with the cons.

Had quite a blast with this tank, but yeah... 112's better. Might not have the acceleration, top speed and faster fire rate of the WZ-111, but the armor's better. And when you're in a Heavy Tank, armor matters to a certain extent for survival.

Well, wanted to go and post this out there as I pretty much owe it to myself to do it, from yesterday's post...

Was hoping to do more of these in the near future. I already collected several good replays since the last two days, so they'll probably the next ones to post about... assuming there's no sudden update to World Of Tanks to make the replays outdated. Then I'll have to gather another bunch of replays for recording... again.

All right, that's all there is to it for this post. When's the next post coming? Not sure, but once I've uploaded another World Of Tanks replay video, I'll post an update about it then get to work on the contents of the next post. Until then, see ya'll next time...

-Panzer Fist-

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Just a quick update here.

A new World Of Tanks video has been recently uploaded to my YouTube channel. It's the final WZ-111 batch of replays that I've recorded quite some months ago.

But, I'll be posting about the WZ-111 Premium Tank some other time. Not today, as I have not much time now... but it'll be posted here soon, so don't worry.

Reason? Well, I had some work I have to do at the very last moment. Usual shit...

I'm not sure when I can get around to posting on the blog, but I'll try to get it up by Monday... which is tomorrow. So yeah, don't have to wait that long, I hope...

Anyways, just wanted to post this quick update to let y'all know. It's pretty late here, around 1:25 AM now... so I better get some rest for work. Stay tuned!

-Panzer Fist-

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Gone, But Not Forgotten

Finally, I'm back.

Ahh... It's good to be back. I was gone WAY too long, but it can't be helped. Important work that needs handling, and also the fact that it started near the end of May.

Been working on the clock for way too many hours, and having too little hours for rest. I'd even consider staying in at my workplace because the moment I'd reach back home, I'll only have 2 hours... yes, TWO HOURS of free time before knocking off to bed... and that's only like 4 hours of sleep, not counting the 2 free hours... not to mention working on the weekends.

From May all the way to September. Some work streak...

But now the important ones are coming to an end, as of today... which is Friday, right over here now.

Been gone too long... It's been like what, 5 months plus already since the last post? Damn.

Now that the bitching is out of the way, let's get down to the blog updates.

Off the bat I'm gonna be referring to some of the stuff I've written in the last post. The April's Fools video from World Of Tanks will sadly not be available. Sure, I have the World Of Tanks replay of it, but it's outdated 'cause of all the updates. The other World Of Tanks videos? Well, since I've been gone for 5 months now, I'll have to get right back to playing the game to get some replays.

Hope I remember how to play this game...

Last I checked, I still have the Metal Saga bulk videos... all 6 folders of them, and each folder has 6 videos each lasting about roughly 30 minutes. Yes, THAT much of Metal Saga stuff I'm currently having right now.

I do have one more World Of Tanks video saved for editing/processing. It's a WZ-111 replay, and I was supposed to upload it to YouTube as the 4th and final one for that tank. Then, was supposed to make a post about the tank with all 4 videos inside it... but then came the damn works...

Here's hoping no more of that shizz happening at work, but that definitely won't be true, though. Important/tough work periods come and go here.

But since I'm free from that burden, I might as well make use of the time I have before another one starts. Now, I no longer have to consider staying in at work everyday and weekends are finally back!

So yes, this update is to just tell you guys that I'm not dead, just been extremely busy. I'll be uploading the last WZ-111 video to YouTube and then y'all can expect another post coming up this weekend.

*sigh of relief* It's finally good to be back, folks.

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien