Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Two Weeks N' Two Days

My, how fast the days goes by.

Looks like I've been gone for about 16 days... and of course, there's a reason for it.

Holidays! But it's only for a week, the other week was just an extra I decided to add in myself. lol

So, this means the Metal Saga Adventures will be back up? Both yes and no.

"Yes" as in it will be up. "No" as in not constantly.

While I was gone, World Of Tanks had released the 9.14 Update. This update revamps the physics of the tanks to a more "realistic" feel and you can now use a so-called 'handbrake' (Spacebar Default) to immediately stop your tank or to perform slick drifts and quick maneuvers.

The update also changed almost all of the sound in-game to make tanks' engines sound better, for example. Gun sounds have also been replaced with more powerful ones, so now they don't sound very lackluster. Bigger caliber guns will have thunderous roars while smaller ones will vary... but still sound good.

Those are the main course of the update. There's still more, of course.

Small stuff like updated minimap to have the view range circles similar to XVM and the long awaited HD-modeled IS-6 that tons of people are waiting for. It now looks more like an IS-4 now... and it might be just me, but the front turret of the IS-6 seems to be more easy to penetrate then ever for some reason.

Had some fun with the new update. Even got some replays that shows how they perform. The WZ-111 was apparently on sale, so I decided to grab 'em and also topped up on some gold... It's been quite some time since I've last played World Of Tanks.

It's a good tank. Faster than the 112 in speed and fire rate (just a bit) and also the 120mm side armor. Only problem with the tank is the pike-nose design on the front.

One of these days, I'll be getting the WZ-111 1-4 for that "fast" IS-7 feel. I'm going down the Maus and IS-4 route, so it's a good tank to keep around.

Huh... now that I noticed, I have the 112, 113 and now the WZ-111. Collection? Might as well.

Now, back to Metal Saga. The last one that I've posted on stopped at part 3 of the playthrough. But if you think you don't like waiting, I've already uploaded a bunch of the playthrough to my YouTube channel... I think the last I've uploaded was part 15.

So yeah... tons to catch up on for that one. Yikes.

Truth to be told, I actually have plenty more of the Metal Saga Playthrough videos saved on my computer.

Let's see here... about another 33 parts saved here. Hmm... this might take awhile.

The best part about all this: I'm still adding more and more, 'cause I'm not finished with the game... yet.

But why still post them here when it's on YouTube already, you say? Well, it's called "Metal Saga Adventures" for a reason. It's just the playthrough video with some backstory placed in it. Oh, and don't forget about the pictures.

And also sometimes the occasional sidetracking of the whole thing just to explain some real world tank counterparts and history.

Sorry, I'm a tank freak... just in case you didn't notice.

So yeah... even when enjoying my holidays, I was still getting video materials for upcoming posts.

I plan to do a slightly different post in the future. The post will just be me discussing certain tank stuff. It'll probably be very boring, but I feel it needs to be done. It's not that serious, but it's something that I've been very concerned about.

And when will all this will happen? Well, you definitely don't have to wait another 16 days for it to appear, though... whichever is the one's gonna be first, that is. So with that, I will bid y'all adieu for now... and will catch ya on the next post!

-Panzer Fist-

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