Thursday, January 28, 2016

2016 January Update

It's been some time, guys.

So, what have I've been doing the whole of this month? Enjoying myself with some games, of course!

I've been playing both Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide with a friend of mine... still got the Dragunov and the "Billboard" Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle from Riptide.

After that, I've indulged myself in a different game... PAYDAY 2. [yes, that's how it's supposed to be written]

It's a great game when it first came out somewhere in '13, but still great till today. Only some DLCs have been pretty lackluster and some even "questionable" on why it even existed.

Like the one that has to do with goats. Wait, whut? GOATS?! That doesn't even fit in with the game...

Yup, Overkill's taken this game to a new low. I've actually played this game back in '14, but that version is obtained through "different" ways and SOMEONE made the game less fun to play with goddamned cheats.

But it's pretty fun. Taking me away from Fallout 4 for awhile before I get back to it in March this year. I felt like I needed a break from Fallout 4 'cause I don't want to play it to the point where I get sick of it.

Like several other games I can name of...

Currently, the most I've gone so far is playing on Overkill difficulty. Death Wish is just madness if ya gonna do it alone.

No photos or videos, though. No photos 'cause it's all in Steam instead. No videos 'cause it lags the fuck outta my games. PAYDAY 2 was already at a stable 40. When recording it goes down to nearly half of that. Dead Island is a bit weird, though. Sometimes it crashes when I tried to record. But if everything goes well, it still lags out my games a lot.

The game was already very laggy in certain parts without recording... so no to the Dead Island series at all.

But, I did managed to record something else instead. World Of Tanks replays! It's not as exciting, but at least it works and isn't slowing down too much.

The video's already up in YouTube, but I'll be posting it here tomorrow, 'cause there's some backstory to it.

And sometimes I'll take a little break from the MMOs and FPSes to play some strategy and simulation games.

That last one... it's not what you think it might be. It's actually an old favorite of mine called 'Roller Coaster Tycoon Deluxe' on Steam.

And for the strategy games? Those are also old classics. They are Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds + Clone Campaigns and possibly the most fun you can have with a strategy game: Empire Earth. least, in my opinion.

Hell, I might even play more classics... Just gotta go find them. And also remember what the game titles are.

So I guess that's it, then. A video will be post up here tomorrow. Stay tuned for it! That's it for me, I'm off for some SWGB!!!

-Panzer Fist-

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