Thursday, April 30, 2015

Quadruple Apocalypse

It's here...

After a day of lazing around, I decided to upload the World Of Tanks video I've talked about in the last [since I had nothing to do at the moment]

But, there's a reason to why I'm uploading this today though: I've planned to post one on the 30th of April and one on the 1st of May. They are two different things...

But we'll get to that later. For now, the video: Four KV-2s in one team!

If two can't get the job done, get an extra two to help!

Aight, about the two dates I've put above: one is clearly this [WOT] the other? Well, I'll give ya a clue...

It's a game, I've posted about it before on the 1st of March... apparently it has quite a big update, it's game-changing... okay, maybe not so much.

I guess that's all to it, then. I'll be hitting the hay now, it's 6:04 AM here...

-Panzer Fist-

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Up N' Arriving Soon

A small update...

Yep, small update for not posting for quite some time, but a new video will appear quite soon.

It's a World Of Tanks video [more like replay] and here's a 'lil screenshot from that particular battle.

Time to play a game called "spot something outta the ordinary"!

It's not that hard. Actually, it's quite obvious.

So the battle replay for this will be out in a day or two? [if i'm quick or lazy?] Until then, y'all just gonna have to wait 'till I put it up... whenever THAT will be, 'cause y'know... procrastinating and stuff.

Well, time to get busy...

-Panzer Fist-

Friday, April 17, 2015


From Re-entry to Arrival...

Now, this video has been published last night [or morning] at 4:05am... did some adjustments and edits to it and now today I'm putting it up here.

The first Counter-Strike: Source video I've made so far. All just showing off the skins I've used this year, not skins released this year or anything like that.

So, without further delays... the video.

Literally cooked this up in just a day... so much outtakes during the Pistols part, due to the Desert Eagle sounds going blank and several other mish-mash...but those problems were from my version of the game.

Total of nearly 20GB of footage taken, mixed together and tossed in some minor edits... 15 minutes of compressing and takes an hour to upload to YouTube. Then there's the description filling in the YouTube video and then off to bed.

Continued most of the stuff left today and huzzah! Completed and satisfied.

I guess I'll be placing some links to the skins below now... but be aware that I have never tested them online, so beware.

The list of skins are arranged the same way as the video. Just a heads up.

Download Lists






-Assault Rifles-

-Sniper Rifles-

-Machine Gun-


Russian F1 & RGD 5

Well, that was long and tiring. Hope you enjoyed these skins as much as I do. Time to get to work on the next video...

-Panzer Fist-

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Yesh, it's almost a month...

Yep. It's actually 22 days wew [give or take] since the last post here. But don't worry, a video will be up soon... but don't know when.

It's pretty big, and is about eight minutes long. Hope I still know how to edit videos...

So yeah, new video goin' to be up...more posts coming to this blog soon. I've missed my chance to record a gameplay of this year's April Fools for World Of Tanks, but there isn't much in it anyways. Probably this time I'll remember to update the blog more regularly.

Until then, catch ya on the next post!

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien