Saturday, January 31, 2015

Long List

Just a quick update here,

I've finally got around to finishing the incomplete music player for my blog that nobody knew about. Took me awhile to put everything together.

And by "awhile" I meant more than FIVE hours fiddling in the good ones into the playlist.

If you don't like certain music placed here then feel free to skip it by clicking the icon at the most furthest to the right of the bar... Or pause it if you don't like them all. My taste in music can't be similar to everyone else in the world, y'know...

Everyone has their own favorites and dislikes. That's all I will say, don't want to go off topic.

The playlist count can easily go to 150+ if I decided to lift everything from my YouTube playlist to the music player. But still...

Anyways, that was the only update I wanted to place up... since it has been interfering with my World of Tanks video uploads. With this done, WoT videos will be up with no distractions.

This is actually one of the reasons why WoT Winter Showdown videos were posted a bit later than usual.

Also decided to place a custom cursor up front, too. I mean since I'm doing the tedious music player for the blog, might as well do this...

And thus, a shiny Katana Cursor was selected. Was supposed to be a Halo Energy Sword, but color was very much similar to the blog pages.

Alright, time to sleep... it's 5:40am here now. I feel like I'm about to drop soon...

-Panzer Fist-

The Third In The List

Alright, back to the WoT WS videos...

Last tank to cover in the World of Tanks Winter Showdown minigame is the Arctic Fox, the scout tank that is based on the LTTB.

Very fast firing rate and speed, and also fast deaths if used wrongly as the health pool of this tank is the least of them all. Two shots from a Polar Bear and this thing's toast.

This tank is probably the best used for flanking, spotting and healing. Maybe also for false capping bases for distractions.

I guess that's all then. Got plenty other videos to prepare for later.

-Panzer Fist-

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Next In Line...

Alright, time for the next one...

Second gameplay of the World of Tank's Winter Showdown features the Polar Bear, a "retrofied" version of the Frech tier X [ten] TD... the Foch 155. Only has a single shot gun, however.

Highest damage dealer in the game, with the traditional problems of a non-turreted tank destroyer. Kills Arctic Foxes in two hits and can, on rarest occasions, receive a bounce from enemy shots.

Though nobody would believe that shit... 

Anyways, that was today's post. This was meant to be posted yesterday latest and two days ago earliest.

-Panzer Fist-

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Winter Showdown

Hey there,

Here's the first video of the Winter Showdown minigames. First gameplay, and I'm using the Mammoth. It's a heavy tank that is based on the T110E5 Heavy Tank and it shoots in three bursts before reloading.

Not much to say about it now, since it's 5:33am over here. So I better get some rest, else I won't be able to wake up tomorrow.

-Panzer Fist-

Monday, January 26, 2015

Upcoming Videos

Hey there everyone,

The World Of Tank's "Winter Showdown" started 8 hours ago. Why no video yet? Loads of family members using the internet and recording a laggy Winter Showdown would be the equivalent of WoT Common Test battles except with overall worse ping.

And more ping = more anger. >:(

So the Winter Showdown videos will have to wait until tomorrow. Releasing each tank type one at a time. [light, heavy, tank destroyer]

Plus, I believe it ends at the 9th of February... 'cause Winter Showdown missions ends on that day. Just a guess, of course.

Well, I guess that's that. Will start uploading videos of it tomorrow. See ya soon!

-Panzer Fist- 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

New Video

Hello once again!

The video is successfully uploaded to YouTube. The second video features the Chinese Heavy Tank: The 113.

One of the few Tier X Heavy Tanks I'm aiming for, the 113 is more of a 'heavy medium' rather than a traditional heavy tank. This means it can't really lead a battle. It's more of a support heavy, so that should be taken into account when playing one.

Another reason why I like this tank is because it's design is more like a 'main battle tank' or 'medium tanks'.

The gun shoots fast, but not so it's aiming time. It's armor is poor except the turret and the upper glacis of the front. Angled at 45 degrees [maybe even more] and with a well-rounded turret, it's wise to hide the lower glacis of the front.

Other problems are almost non-existent gun depression and easily damaged modules and crew.

Sidescraping is okay, as long as the angle is not more than 10 degrees as the sides are weak.

Other weakspots are the cupolas on the turrets... or as I call them, "cookies"...

The alpha damage of the gun is 50 points lower than the last gun on the WZ-111 1-4. So if you like dealing loads of damage, use that tank instead. [reload time is significantly longer]

The equipments I've used are the Gun Rammer, the Ventilation [or 'fans'] and the Vertical Stabilizers.

All crew members have the Repair skill at 27%-26%.

I guess that's all then. Stay tuned for the next video!

-Panzer Fist-

Quick Update

Hello people,

Quick update: a new WOT CT video will be out. Just need time to upload it to YouTube.

That's all. Will post it as soon as it's done!

-Panzer Fist-

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A World Of Tanks Video

Hello everyone,

Today I have a World Of Tanks video i'd like to put up. It's played from the 9.6 Common Test Servers. Quality's shit, but as to be expected when using Bandicam.


So far, not so good. Overall 300ms is never fun. But the Jagdpanzer E100 makes it enjoyable at least. One of the several Tier X vehicles I'm aiming for 'cause to me, it's just like the KV2... only bigger.

More to come soon! Just need time to process these really big files...

-Panzer Fist-

Friday, January 23, 2015


Hello everyone,

Welcome to my Gaming Blog! Here's where I post anything related to games, be it the game itself, videos, mods and loads more...

Current favorite games are Fallout 3, World Of Tanks and Counter Strike Source... I guess Metal Saga is an honorable mention, too. So that's a hint of what's most likely to be posted here.

One thing to mention: Dead Frontier related stuff will less likely be posted here, 'cause there's already a blog dedicated to it that I've made quite a long time ago. Still using and updating it, mind you people...

Videos posted here will sometimes be from my YouTube account, some might just be uploaded straight here.

Well, I guess that's it then. Will upload a content as soon as I get around to it!

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien