Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Second Fallout 3 Video Test - Semi-Vanilla (Unstable) Version

And here it is...

A little late uploading 'cause I was busy... but it's finally done, and also up! This one's the somewhat default (or vanilla) version of Fallout 3, with a little bit of re-texture/re-skin mods applied.

This was a bitch to set up... but most of it is my own damn fault as I decided to play a 'semi-vanilla' version of Fallout 3; which means it doesn't use Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) but it does have some mods applied. It's mostly re-skins and re-textures, though.

It's been like what... 4 years (2015) since I've last played Fallout 3, so I kinda forgot all the necessary fixes and tweaks that I needed to apply in order to make the game more stable... it was hell to play! Constant crashes happening randomly around 5 minutes to half and hour intervals.

Had to save after every little thing done... don't know when this shit's gonna go kaput...

It's also pretty 'choppy'; stutters a bit here and there and it just feels... slow for some reason.

Perhaps it was due to me adding in those re-textures and re-skins to the game, but Fallout 3 is already known to be the most buggiest/unstable outta the whole Fallout series... yes, even New Vegas vanilla runs much better than it's predecessor, at least to me.

I guess that's why I prefer playing NV over Fallout 3... these crashes and other slew of problems would normally make me just play another game entirely.

Note to self: keep a note of instructions on what to do to fix Fallout 3 next time...

Well... after a few days of searching around and navigating around the usual sites, I've finally gathered all I need to make the game run at a stable rate. This means I used FOSE and numerous other fixes and tweaks, from old ones like editing .ini files to new fixes like the Fallout 3 Tick Fix. Some old fixes and tweaks didn't seem to work as they're probably not compatible with Windows 10 or something.

It's about as stable as it can be... for now. So far I haven't encountered any crashes since I've applied all these various fixes and tweaks, but the game can sometimes have these split-second freezes... particularly when engaging in a fight or switching weapons.

Recording gameplay footage was fine, and was settled in using Nvidia Shadowplay's Instant Replay to record certain parts that I find interesting.

Had quite a mess to sort out though during editing... the audio isn't linking up with the video, so I had to manually adjust them... to sync them up as best as I can. There were some moments where the audio just completely cuts... possibly the game going into crashing mode, but thankfully they only hanged up for a while.

Well, I guess I droned on for too long there... I plan to get another batch up and running, but this this the game's already been fixed as much as possible.

So let's see how much of a difference it really did...

-Panzer Fist-

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Test Trials and Ol' Annoying Problems

Hmm... maybe I should just try a different game instead...

A quick update; I'm currently collecting some Fallout 3 footage. Might be a mistake though... as I'm playing it "raw" without any tweaks or fixes, but with some visual updates in the forms of retextures/replacers for various terrain and weapons.

It's been 3+ years since I've last installed Fallout 3, and I still remember it as the most buggiest Fallout game outta the bunch. Crashes left and right, sluggish performances (even though the com meets it's specs) and many more...

I have a small bunch of recordings from these moments, and currently trying to remember the various fixes and stuff I needed to do for this game to run smoothly... or at the very least to a somewhat stable level.

Yeah... shoulda tried a different game instead. Buuut I'm sticking with what I'm doing to for now, as it shouldn't be too hard to deal with the problems. Thought about getting some Killing Floor 2 recordings for the other blog, but couldn't be arsed to install such a large game back again. That will have to wait till I find something nice to play...

I think I'll do some recordings of smaller games after Fallout 3... they can't possibly be any worse than this buggy mess at the very least! Well, soon enough I'll be done with these Fallout clips... then it's off to some editing and then uploading to YouTube. Here's hoping they look much better than how my first Fallout 3 recording went some years back...

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien