Monday, September 30, 2019

The Great Tank Race of 2019

And here it is...

Well, at first it was supposed to be 3 videos, but I figured just one will do... as they're pretty much the same as one another, aside from losing/winning and using different tanks.

The Great Race is a revisited game-mode from the past called the Chaffee Races, and I didn't partake in that game-mode (and many others) in the past due to being busy, lack of interest or I was just too late/didn't knew it was around.

The driving mechanics are rather simple, but the "drifting" is automatically done during corners, so it kinda feels... off... at least to me. Maybe I'm just terrible at driving in World of Tanks, 'cause in games like Burnout, Need for Speed and various other driving games I usually have little to no problem with the driving mechanics.

Anyways... here's the video!

Used the Leopard Sport in this replay... and that is the vehicle with the highest top speed, slowest acceleration and poor handling. It also has a machine-gun armament which takes 4 seconds to reload.

I mainly use the T-50 or Leopard Sport as I do okay in those, but not so for the Chaffee. The gun is single-load, but takes twice as long to reload compared to the T-50 and does a bit more damage. Maybe that's just not my taste...

Nothing much to add, as I'm still planning on putting up other videos aside from World of Tanks stuff. Not sure whether to go with Fallout 3, or something smaller... well, that's for me to decide... and so I'll be away till the next post drops...

-Panzer Fist-

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sudden Disappearance and MORE Delays

2... close to 3 months... yikes...

I figured I should at least put up a post before September ends... no need to wake me up for that, though.

Where have I've been? Nowhere, really. Just been so busy that I hardly had time to get things done here! But I was free these last 2 weeks, and been spending time collecting materials to record and post over to YouTube.

First off; some World of Tanks videos... specifically the recent Tank Race and some Frontline replays, no Steel Hunter replays saved as I didn't partake in a single battle in that mode. There's some ST-I replays saved so I can make use of those, too.

Been meaning to expand my horizons beyond just World of Tanks or Armored Warfare videos, although the latter had already stopped before it can even begun [see last post] and a few games come to mind; Fallout 3, and about 5 games that I've dived into it's game genre types before...

Still having some trouble sorting out the recording processes, as about 2 of these new games ran into problems with OBS; can't use Nvidia Shadowplay to record videos for them. Fallout 3 is a buggy mess that needs to be tweaked with a ton of mods and fixes before it'll be anywhere close to being somewhat okay.

Even now these few Fallout 3 clips I've recorded were choppy and stutter between various areas...

Maybe I should try recording some racing games, too. There's Burnout Paradise... not sure about recording any RTS games, as I'm garbage at them... even though I still like to play them from time to time.

Still not gonna be recording any PS2 games like Metal Saga though, those will need more than just videos...

And as for the other blog? That'll be Killing Floor 2 and perhaps the first Dead Space or Doom 3... as Dead Frontier is still the same old thing from before.

Hopefully some videos will be up either later today, or latest by tomorrow...

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien