Friday, May 31, 2019

Delayed, yet again...

Wow, two months without a single update...

Remember how I  said that there'll be upcoming videos? Yeah, that didn't work out... reason for this? Busy, just overall been busy these few months... sorry

Things seem to be clearing up soon, as it's just one more week before I can finally relax... I've been meaning to post some stuff here, and also to the other blog to some extent.

Since I've made some extra time for myself this weekend and also had some time off for some of the days next week, so I can finally get some posts done here.

Seems like some stuff happened while I was gone from World of Tanks, but not much in Armored Warfare. I've also tried my hand at recording some games, but had some issues with some of 'em again... slowdowns, stutters and such.

A few fixes and some fresh new equipment later, and it was all okay! Not totally fixed, but the footage is much more better than it was last time. At least the unbearable lags and stutters/video stoppages are gone...

Some of the games I've been testing were Armored Warfare, Crossout, Killing Floor 2 and several other old games, and the last group gave me quite a number of problems as the recording software couldn't detect them.

But I'll figure things out. It's high time I put out something, and there's gonna be one later... so stay tuned...

...and this time, there'll be something to show for, at least!

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien