Saturday, June 30, 2018

Late June Update

Figured I should put this out there...

About nearly a month already, and no posts? Well, there's actually not much of an excuse... rather than I'm just trying to enjoy my vacation while I still have it.

And even then I still have work to do during my relaxation time... some vacation, huh?

All the videos are still sitting in storage, with the exception of the Frontline Mode replays; I will need to personally record those before I can even play World Of Tanks again... the usual game update shenanigans.

This obviously means my version of WOT is stuck in the update with Frontline Mode still ongoing, not post-Frontline Mode update. [if that makes any sense]

That means it's outdated; last 'latest' update was during the Frontline Mode games, and updating said game will prevent me from getting Frontline Mode replays as they'll be "corrupted."

So it means the '2018 Football' [or soccer] minigames were not played even once... a real shame, but it just happens...

As to when I'll be able put an actual post here? Well, hopefully soon... I just hope that I don't forget all about it! Just stay low until another post rolls out...

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien