Sunday, December 31, 2017

"The Disguised Panther"

Told ya I'll be back, so here it is.

Well, this is sorta a continuation of yesterday's post... except, it's not the same tank. Well, it's sorta the same, but totally looks different.

What's the tank? Well, it's none other than the Tier VII Premium German Medium Tank; the Panther/M10.

Even I was confused when I first saw them in the game. USA or Germany???

First off; this is actually really a German Tank, no jokes. It looks like an American tank because it's supposed to be disguised as the M10 Wolverine Tank Destroyers, like spies deep into enemy lines to cause confusion. Bet the one reason the plan failed was because of the very obvious [and distinctive] tank roadwheel design the Germans had back in WW2.

But deep down, it's actually a Panther tank, just with some adjustments to look more... American.

A rare picture of an unpainted Panther/M10... looks nice.

So right away you can tell that it'll have the same playstyle as a Panther, but it actually plays more like the younger variant; the VK 30.01 (M)... hence why I said that this post will be linked to the last one.

But ramblings aside, it's time for the videos. And again, there's only two of them.

Hmm... not sure what went on in the mind of that Light Tank at the end, but whatever... a kill is a kill.

So, this tank plays more like a VK 30.01 (M) than a Panther because of one thing: it's gun. It uses the same gun that the Tier VI Medium Tank used, so yes... the same 150mm of penetration and a very fast fire rate. Actually, it's more faster in the Panther/M10 as to make up for the extra 1 Tier.

It's hitpoints are on par with the Tier VII Panther, but has it's view range cut down slightly as the cupola is gone for the 'American Disguised' stuff.

And now, for the next video. This one's quite good 'cause of the Tier VIII devastation.

Technically, that AMX M4 49 can just finish me off there and then and everything would have been smooth sailing for him. A big mistake to ignore a tank with dangerously high DPM.

The cupola getting removed made this tank's survival rate much better as there's less weakspots, but the less view range makes you a bit more blind than other medium tanks. Still, a good trade-off.

The tank also has been recently updated to have spaced armor. All the extra sheets of metal used to make the M10 Wolverine disguise were previously just empty space... but now, it's extra armor. This in turn makes the tank survive hits from High Explosive shells more better.

It also has Preferential Matchmaking, so it only sees Tier VI-VIII tanks. So you're effectively using a largely upgraded VK 30.01 (M) with more hitpoints, more DPM, lesser weakspots and additional spaced armor. All good...

And of course a tank is not complete without it's drawbacks. It's view range, as mentioned before gets cut down a little bit... so you can't get that sweet max spotting distance without using Coated Binoculars. The tank is slightly larger than the VK 30.01 (M), because it's actually the Panther. Obviously, the same gun used on the previous Tier VI gives it major problems, especially against well-armored targets.

But those are just minor inconveniences, nothing too big. This tank is overall a really good one, just remember that you're still fragile against Heavy Tanks as that armor doesn't hold up well on them.

And that's all for this post... the last post for 2017, that is. I wanted to make another post to talk all about 2017 and all that shizzle, but I'll pass on that instead. It's been a rather wonky year for many folks, myself included.

But that doesn't mean that it's all bad... there's still some good in it, and here's to 2018 being even better than the last. I know it'll definitely will be, as I have a lot to look forward to and quite a lot of things anticipated to arrive later down the months to come. Let's say, about 5 things to look forward to in 2018... for me, at least.

Ignore that last part, just me getting all excited for these upcoming things to look forward to. It's already 4:30 AM here, so I'll be taking my leave for now. Goodbye 2017, and hello 2018...

...hopefully you'll be even better than 2014 ever was. How I miss that year...

-Panzer Fist-

Saturday, December 30, 2017

"The Baby Panther"

And now, it's time for the long-delayed posts...

Getting ever closer to the end of this month, and I want to at least get some posts done. They've been sitting around my computer and YouTube account for quite a while so it's time.


Today's post will be about a tank that not many people use, and that's the Tier VI German Medium Tank; the VK 30.02 (M).

Not that much different from the Tier VII Panther...

It's normally called the 'Baby Panther' as that's what it's essentially is; a younger Panther. It's also not used by many people because the VK 30.01 (P) is normally more superior in terms of gun damage and much smaller silhouette.

And now, a couple of replays. [yes, there's only two of them in total]

From the above replay, I can tell that this tank's armor is adequate. It's 85mm sloped on the front, which can be used to bounce low-caliber guns effectively. Side armor is trash, though... about 40mm, so don't try to even sidescrape in the vehicle.

It's side armor is actually worse than the VK 30.01 (P), so there's that comparison for ya.

Gun's great, having 150mm of penetration and a quick reload time makes it one of the best tanks for tracking enemies. Damage is appalling, though... at 135 average DMG, so you'll need to put in quite a lot of shots into higher tiered enemies.

Anyways, the second video...

Now, the tank's speed is also something to behold. It moves as smooth as a ship on calm weather, and doesn't get bogged down that easily. It takes a little while to reach it's top speed, though...

The turret armor of this tank is a 'hit or miss' kinda deal for me... as at one moment it's a beast with bouncing everything that hit it at the gun manlet, while another moment it's horrifying when the commander keeps getting injured from getting shot in the large cupola it has.

The pros for this tank is that it has good frontal armor, a gun with high penetration value, very quick reload speed and generally a fast and speedy tank. Oh, and it has quite a lot of health for it's tier, too.

The cons? Well, it's gun deals appalling damage; forcing you to put in more shots than you normally need, the turret's cupola huge and can kill off the commander most of the time it gets shot there, the side armor is virtually non-existent and the gun manlet can be a lifesaver or a deal-breaker at time. It's also a rather large tank, so it can get spotted really easily compared to other medium tanks.

Overall, it's a good sniper tank that can relocate quickly when needed. Close combat in this tank is a death sentence, unless the enemies are packing low caliber guns. The armor holds up well, as long as you're not fighting heavy tanks or tank destroyers above your tier.

It can also run n gun, if you can manage it. Just remember that your gun doesn't do a lot of damage, though... feels like you're plinking the enemy to death sometimes.

Plus, it's a Panther. What can you not like about Panthers? A tier lower at that, too... kinda like a 'teaser' of what's to come in the later tiers.

And that's all for today's post. A little short, but there will be another post that's somewhat linked with this particular one. Almost the same type of tank, so there's something to look forward to in the next post. And with that, I shall take my leave for today...

-Panzer Fist-

Friday, December 29, 2017

Another Update

And I'm done with the "grind"...

Heh, technically I didn't even do a grind as I skipped the AMX 65t after 40 battles...

If there's one thing I hate, it's awfully slow tanks with barely any armor.

And so I'm past the AMX 65t and have now owned the AMX M4 51... had a few games in it, and it's good. I have several replays saved from both the Tier VIII and IX French Heavy Tanks, so I'll get around to uploading them once I'm done with my old materials that are still waiting.

Since it's about 3 AM here, I'll call it a day and post something another time instead. Just the usual to expect.

And with that, my time's up. Stay tuned for the next post...

-Panzer Fist-

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Quick Update: Incoming WOT 9.21

Just stopping by to let everyone know about some things...

Well, there's supposed to be a post up at the 17th of December, last Sunday. It was briefly cancelled half-way as update 9.21 dropped on that day.

Right now I've been on World Of Tanks on the regular as I want to get the new French Heavy Tanks ASAP... yes, all three of them. That means the god-awful AMX 65t as well. *shudders*

This was all before 9.21 arrived, as I was busy grinding the AMX M4 45 just to prepare for the AMX 65t.

It's actually a pretty good tank... don't know why people just hate it.

So I just dropped by today to let y'all know that all posts will be cancelled until I'm done with the grind for the new tanks. I'll only be going through the AMX 65t and will continue posting once I've bought the AMX M4 51.

Don't worry; all pre 9.21 content that I've saved up has been successfully recorded and kept for use later. Some have been uploaded to YouTube, about two of them. The rest will be edited and uploaded once I'm back.

So yeah... don't know how long it'll take for me to do this particular grind, but at least you'll know what I'm doing when I'm gone and not suddenly became inactive without any notice.

With that done, it's time for me to install the latest 9.21 update... so see ya when it's done.

-Panzer Fist-

Thursday, December 14, 2017

World Of Tanks Common Test, 9.21 Server EXTENDED

Time to make use of all these remaining materials...

Back from yesterday, and today's post will be about the World Of Tanks Common Test Server. The second iteration was up during that time and I took that opportunity to get some extra screenshots of the new things added.

Not much, but there's a new overhauled customization system which is rather impressive. I have several screenshots set aside for this as just explaining the whole shebang through a wall of text can get very... difficult.

Now, first things first; the new customization system changes the current camouflages to two different categories: Multicolor and Non-Multicolor. Multicolor camos get additional color patterns, usually an extra two while the others remained the same. You can also change the camo pattern sizes to Small, Medium and Large to suit your own tastes.

But here's where things get interesting; you can now select different parts of the tank to apply camo onto, shown below.

Right here we have the gun area...
And here's the turret area...
And finally, the tank hull area.

Pretty sweet, ain't it? The multicolored camos are now gonna be people choice just because of the extra colors.

Overall, it's pretty good... but NOT YET! There's still more...

...because now, you can even paint your own tanks. That's right, PAINT your own tanks.

There's these nation-specific paints for different climates that you can use, and they look great.

But paints have more 'sections' than camos; 5 compared to 3. The areas are the Gun, Gun Manlet, Turret, Hull and Tracks. Some vehicles will have more sections than others, and it also goes for the camos... like vehicles without a turret will obviously not have the 'turret' area.

And now, some screenshots of these 'nation specific paints'...

And as you might notice, there's a bunch of other colors as well. Those are the base color of other nations, so if you feel like painting a French Tank grey for that "captured vehicles" feel, you can do that... or maybe you just prefer the China's shade of green rather than Swedish ones... up to you.

Here's a couple of screenshots of me painting the Super Conqueror in different nation colors...

China's base paint for the "Forest" camo slot...
...and France's base paint for the "Winter" camo slot.

You might also notice that there's the "non-historical" paint at the far corner... well, those are obviously the goofy looking ones or colors that were never used in war that make your tank stand out more than the rest, if you are into that.

heh, inb4 pink tanks and "power ranger" combos...

Heck, you can even mix and match them to make a bizarre looking monstrosity... this. And this is just me going easy by using only 2 colors...

These paints actually remind me of Armored Warfare's customization system, actually... except more in-depth.

And you though that was all? No... there's still one more to talk about...

The paint and camo actually don't overlap one another, so that means you can stack them... also similar to Armored Warfare.

With normal camouflage, you can barely see the difference as the order goes by camo first, then the paint. Areas like the tracks and edges of the tank gun can be seen when paint has been applied, though.

Thankfully, there's a specific type of camouflage that makes use of this; as they are semi-transparent. They don't have a separate group, so you'll have to find them yourselves by trying each one of them out. The transparent ones have 'grey on dark grey checkerboxes' which indicates transparency; or 'no color zone'.

Here's a few pictures of me combining both the semi-transparent camos with different paint schemes.

German camo without any paint.
German forest camo with German 'forest-specific' paint.
German winter camo with French paint.

Oh, there's actually a few other things... but they are just pre-made sets that you can use if you are too lazy and also tank 'presets' that change the vehicle to have worn paint or something like that.

There's nothing much to talk about those two as they weren't really that important... plus it's not really more fleshed out than the paint and camo systems, as they only have about 1 or 2 compared to the many others the camo and paint systems had.

There's also talk that the ability to add 3D non-interactive customizations as well, like adding sandbags and tracks. They won't add armor or anything, just to make things more cool.

...people will still abuse them by spamming them over weakspots, though.

And that's all there is for today's post. All the important posts are done, and all that's left are the bunch of replays left to record, edit and upload... and I gotta get 'em done before the next patch hits, as I want to play the new French Heavy Tanks when they arrive ASAP.

Speaking of which...

Almost forgotten to put that video in this post.... finally had the replays working, but only those from the second iteration of the 9.21 Common Test Server.

And NOW then it's truly everything. Gotta go now as it's already 2AM here, gonna get some shut-eye and continue with some shizz tomorrow... so see y'all till then.

-Panzer Fist-

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

"Russian 'Rapid-Firing 122' Tank Destroyer"

Back after a long period of inactivity...

Wheew... it's been two weeks plus since my last post, and where was I? Well, I had a brief holiday period last week in another country until last Saturday... and the other three days was just me settling some important matters. But with all that cleared outta the way, it's time to get into today's post.

Well, the title should be a big, dead giveaway on what tank I'm gonna be talking about... What Russian Tank Destroyer has a 122mm 'derp' gun that reloads swiftly? Well if you didn't know the answer; it's the SU-122-44, the Russian Tier VII Premium Tank Destroyer.

Imagine an IS with sloped armor and superb rate-of-fire + speed...

This is one of those few popular tanks that have a rather "special ability" which attracts people to it's... uniqueness, which is the rather quick reload speed for the 122mm gun it has. The sloped frontal profile of the tank also helps with resisting some low penetration shots, but shouldn't be relied upon as it is not thick, only well-sloped.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, the replays!

As you can see, the tank destroyer is quite agile... mobility of that closer to a typical medium tank. It's gun being 122mm is the flagship "Russian derp" gun from the IS and IS-2... which deals impressive damage on hit, but also has that awful 175mm of penetration on the standard round. This alone cripples any tank using the 122mm gun when facing highly armored targets.

Not to mention the biggest weaknesses of the gun is the piss-poor accuracy and gun handling...

And now, the next replay...

Ugh, that horrendous moment near the end... I die a little inside whenever I see it.

Anyways,  the tank's pretty small... so that makes it's camouflage values quite reasonable... coupled with that speed it can reach will make it great for flanking and staying out of sight. High Explosive ammo will actually do quite well in this vehicle, seeing as it uses the 122mm gun. The reload is the real kicker; being able to reach down to 6.5 seconds [or lower, if done well] for some serious firepower barrage... if it penetrates.

And now, the final video...

That last stand... like a true warrior.

The high mobility this tank has also in turn helps it to turn faster, as you saw from the video above. If the tank had worse mobility, then I probably wouldn't be able to kill the light tank.

The armor of the tank destroyer is not that great, only being useful against low penetrative guns. It's mainly the sloping angle which helps increase it's effectiveness... although not much.

So, that's all about the SU-122-44 there is. The pros; the high mobility which let's it relocate easily among the field, superb reload speed and firepower of the 122mm gun which allows it to quickly dispatch enemies and that it has good camo value.

The cons? Well... it has horrible penetration for the gun; not even premium rounds can help it against the most heavily-armored targets, and the accuracy and gun handling are so bad that you usually need to wait for the gun to be 'settled' [fully aimed] before shooting. The view range is low, comparable to that if the IS tank and the armor is only helpful against low caliber, less penetrative guns. But the biggest problem the tank has is the rather low amount of ammunition you can carry; about 35 shells.

In the past, this tank was a beast. Going up against tanks like it was nothing, shrugging off enemy fire and played like a medium tank at certain times. But with the current "changes" World Of Tanks had in these past few years, it's now mostly a reserved tank destroyer... played usually like a traditional TD by camping because the new era of tanks usually can go through the SU-122-44's armor with ease.

That's not to say it's a bad tank, no. It's just not as awesome as it used to be in the past. But you can sometimes get those beast games where you do extremely well...

Aaannnd I should probably stop it right there before I go on rambling...

So yeah, that's all for today's post. I still have quite a collection of videos and pictures relating to World Of Tanks, and these three videos are taken before the 'Halloween 2017' event. Didn't have time to post them back then, but I do now. I still have a lot of material to go through and post, so that means I better get crackin' as the next game update is about to go down soon... so I'll be back when the next post's ready.

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien