Monday, January 30, 2017

Germany's Doomkanone

...took a long time, but it's here now.

Alright, that took longer than I thought... and now you'll probably be receiving this post about another 2-3 hours of waiting 'cause of the writing.

Now, today's tank in mind is from the German Tech Tree, a Tier X [or Ten] and is a Tank Destroyer... today's featured tank is the Jagdpanzer E100: The Doom Cannon.

Nothing yells "RAW POWER" like an oversized gun...

Managed to earn myself this tank quite some months back last year, and been enjoying it ever since. It's always been the first Tier X Tank Destroyer I've wanted to own as it's big, like the Maus and 'cause it shows you what a Tank Destroyer looks like.

Not just looks, as it also pretty much will vaporize any enemy tank... and if it the shots don't kill them, it shows them the damage it can cause.

Now you could say the FV215b (183) has better damage output by dealing 100 extra DMG... but I prefer having more ammo... and double at that, too! It hold 24 shells while the British 'Death Star' holds 12.

Although, I've heard that it will be buffed up from 12 to 30, so...

Well, enough on that for now... time for the video.

Pretty slow match and only spending the whole match in one spot, but did manage to rack up some damage caused... about 4000 plus, I'll say.

Now there won't be any history on this tank for now, as I'm not completed with results. I'll get more videos and do another post on this tank.

I still have a bunch of old replays, and they are in batches of 8 and 9 videos each tank... but guess what? I can't get to them! I've accidentally started up the World Of Tanks Launcher and it was too late...

...but on the bright side, I get to play World Of Tanks again! It's been waaay too long, now...

I've been missing out on two important updates... and there's talk of another coming real soon. I would like to get into more details about that certain update, but it's getting real late here and I have work tomorrow.

I definitely have to get a bunch of new replays now for the old unusable ones before... but it'll take quite some time. Then there's the continuation of this post and more subsequent videos for it, too. Tons of stuff to do, and work's starting to get on it's usual 'Heavy Mode Period'... sigh...

There's just no end to things... If there's no work then doing the posts and videos will be a snap, but just a little longer and it'll all pay off. I hope.

Well ignore that last statement... I'm just going on about my ramblings. I don't know when the next post will be up, so take care while I sort this mess out...

-Panzer Fist-

Upcoming Final January Post

Aaanndd I'm back...

Been busy with work most of the time, and only had about this and last week to relax. Since February is right 'round the corner, I figured I'll put up one final post for this month.

Well, not this post... but the next one as this is just a heads-up for all those weeks I've been missing.

It's gonna be a World Of Tanks replay... but only just one this time. I will get into more detail about that later in the next post.

Now I'm off to upload the video to YouTube... after that then I'll get on with the next post. So stay tuned!

-Panzer Fist-

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Opposite 'French Heavy' CONTINUED

...And that's the other three done.

Damn, didn't managed to put up a post yesterday... and that's because the Internet's down for the whole day. Well, it WAS still available around 8AM and suddenly just died at around 11AM. So yes, only three hours of it before shit went primitive.

Was in the middle of uploading the fifth video to YouTube at that time, too...

Well, all that's past now. So now let's continue where we left off...

The AMX M4 49 is pretty good at ramming, too. Slow speed, but make sure to ram only straight-on from the front. This only applies to lightly armored vehicles. though. I've only put it to the test to an Artillery, soo...

Pretty long match, that was. At a certain point I thought we might not actually win it.

The tank also has quite a reasonably good gun depression, which means how low you can bring the gun down... if you're not familiar with World Of Tanks lingo.

Elevation is also plentiful, which means how high you can bring the gun up in this case.

Although it has quite the armor at the front, some guns can still punch through them with ease... which is what the next video has in store as some of the enemy tanks in the video managed to do.

Dat thumbnail though... just epic. Also, it seems like every thank that managed to penetrate through the frontal armor of the tank were Tank Destroyers... the others fall flat to do so, so they had to shoot the cupola instead to do damage.

And now it's time for the last video! I didn't do much in it, but still managed to rack up a lot of damage dealt... and also got a Confederate Badge outta it.

The only highlight of the video is that I earned One Mark of Excellence out of it, too. It's about 15 days since purchase and only eleven [that's 11] matches played before I earned it. That's how easy it is to play this vehicle...

Oh, and halfway through the videos I've added some extra decals on the tank... particularly the 'Pirate' wording on one of the side and a logo to match it well. Just that extra 'pazaas' to the tank.

Another new thing to mention: all the AMX M4 49 video bunch were optimized much better now, thus affecting every video that comes out after it. What's this 'optimization', you ask?

Well, the videos will be made and uploaded in 60 FPS. Plus they have a slight increase in quality, making the videos less blurry.

I guess that's all for this post. I honestly don't know when I'm gonna make another post as I'm busy with certain games at the moment. PADAY 2 is one example.

So I guess for this time, just relax 'till the next one appears... whenever I'm gonna post one, that is. See ya...

-Panzer Fist-

Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Opposite 'French Heavy'

Looks like I'm running out of time, so I'm gonna post this regardless.

Yes, it means today's time is running out. Bad Internet connections make for some shitty upload times...

Anyways, I'm only managed to get three videos uploaded to YouTube as of now. All that hours and this is the result... sigh

But enough complaints. Today's post is focused on a tank that's been around for about a couple months, so it's still quite a new addition. The tank is none other than the AMX M4 49, the Tier VIII [or eight] Premium French Heavy Tank that truly brings the 'Heavy' in Heavy Tanks.

The FIRST French Heavy Tank.

This tank came with a unique 'Liberte' version which is all painted in the colors of the French flag, but I chose the 'Non-Camo' version instead. I prefer to add my own camouflages for the three different 'biomes' [or weather]... and I never liked the paint scheme.

The painted versions are just... ugly.

This goes for every other pre-painted tank, none of them are nice to look at... at least to me, though.

Anyways, as from the title of the post, this tank is different than all the other French Heavy Tanks in the game. What is it? Well, it has armor... and not like one small highly armored strip, no no... It's full-on thick armor, from the front at least.

Well then, now's time to stop talking about tank details and onto some replays next!

From the replay above you can clearly see that the armor is definitely reliable. But the quite large cupola is a prominent weakspot as it's lightly armored, and that even light tanks can penetrate it with ease, too.

With all that armor you'll be able to shrug off small caliber tank shells and even big ones with a lil' bit of angling knowledge. But the front of the tank still has another weakspot though: the front 'shoulders'.

This is because they work pretty much like a pike-nose design: over angling makes them weaker. But unlike many Russian pike-nosed tanks, the AMX M4 49 has that cupola weakspot. So when using the tank, you'll have to not only always show your front to the enemy and avoid over angling, but you'll also have to constantly keep 'fidgeting' [A.K.A keep moving back and forth, not keeping still].

The next video shows how sturdy this tank is when fighting enemies, and also it's glaring weaknesses.

The original French Heavy Tanks are designed for mobility, so they sacrifice armor for that. This new addition however does the opposite: sacrifice mobility for armor.

It's quite sluggish, probably worse than the Chinese Heavy Tanks. Although it has armor, it's only at the front of the tank that receives it. The areas other than the front are very poorly armored, comparable to that of original French Heavy Tank armor standards.

This means you must never show anything other than the front, ever. High Explosive will mess this vehicle up really good, as what the next video shows when it received a direct hit by an Artillery shell to the weak back.

Yeesh, that massive health loss. And it's not even an Armor Piercing Round, either.

So I guess this tank is still typical French Tank after all, when given the chance to strike at it's sides and rear.

Well, that's all for this post. Anymore and it might be tomorrow already. I still have another 3 more videos to go through, and they will be up later instead... and that later is of course on Monday.

...and that's all for today. See ya'll next post...

-Panzer Fist-


It's 2017 already... hope this year's better than the last...

And what better way to start off the first day of the year with some posts... except that I'm still recording, editing and uploading the World Of Tanks videos. So far only one video's done and is uploading to YouTube now, so there's still quite a lot more to go through...

...about another 5 to be exact. Yes, FIVE... so totaling up to 6.

Dunno when it'll all be done, but it's definitely gonna take quite some hours. So until then just chill and relax while I get them done.

-Panzer Fist- 

The Alien