Monday, April 4, 2016

April Quick Update

Don't have a lot of time here, so I'll make this brief.

Haven't updated the blog for awhile 'cause work got up to me again, barely enough free hours to spend recording and editing videos... 'cause need the other 5 hours to sleep. Not much sleep, but what is around here, huh...

At least it's not another two weeks and two days for a post to appear.

What to expect this month: two videos on April's Fool Day, some World Of Tanks replays and Metal Saga bulk videos to upload... and to post the Metal Saga Adventures parts here... whenever I get the time to do it, of course.

Alright, that's the quick update for tonight. Yes, it's 1:44am here... so I really have to get going. Catch y'all next post!

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien