Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Final 2015 Post

Well, it's obviously correct.

It's been some time, huh? I've been busy with Fallout 4 and several other games...

...but it's mostly Fallout 4.

What a damn good game that was. Still have stuff to do in there, but I can get back to it anytime I want. This year's journey was very "mixed", as in some bad and some good inside it.

Hell, I'm just glad that I've finally gone through the hassle to assemble an Ethernet cable to my laptop.

No more laggy-assed connections! Hurrah!

I actually wanted to post more during the last few weeks, but there are all Fallout 4 related. As far as I know, not everyone has played it yet.

It has it's ups and downs, but it has a lot of "downs" then "ups"... if ya catch my drift.

Sad to say that it's not really what I expected it to be. Don't get me wrong, it's not a horrible game... it's just that there were many things that were lacking in the game... not to mention certain bad stuff that made it's way into the game.

*cough*Limited speech options*cough*

The world is surprisingly small, even though they claimed it to be bigger or somewhat similar in size with Skyrim's world. To me, it seems small, and very compressed.

The missions are very lacking, too. But I won't go into that topic.

*Sigh* So much for Fallout 4, yet it fails to deliver what many have expected.

I'm done with Fallout 4, but there's still some stuff I can do there. Mods will surely make it interesting, but until then... I'll be off with other games.

And so it ends for 2015... and say hello to 2016. Don't know what lies for the future, but I'm damn well looking forward for it. Farewell, and I'll be seeing y'all in the next post!

-Panzer Fist-
The Alien